PA DUI Attorney Named Fellow with the American Institute of Chemists

A large part of defending DUI cases lies in examining the blood test and breath test evidence. To effectively do this, a DUI lawyer needs to have a strong understanding of the analytical processes involved in conducting these tests. That is why I have invested a great deal of time and effort into attending seminars and studying research papers by scientists in the field of analytical chemistry. I have put in so much effort that I was selected to twice present a research paper at the American Chemical Society National Meeting. I recently reached another achievement which is to be named a Fellow with the American Institute of Chemists (AIC).
About the AIC:
AIC’s mission is to advance the chemical sciences by establishing high professional standards of practice and to emphasize the professional, ethical, economic, and social status of its members for the benefit of society as a whole.
The AIC has multiple tiers of membership and to be elected as a fellow one must have at least 10 years of experience in the chemical sciences subject to approval by the Qualifications and Admissions (Q&A) Committee.
This serves as yet another authentication of my qualifications as a scientist specializing in the forensic sciences related to DUI. No other DUI lawyer in the United States has been recognized as a Fellow with the AIC. No other attorney in Pennsylvania even comes close to the study and credentials that I have accumulated.
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