If you are a motorist in PA, this may be the most important blog post you’ll ever read. With the holidays approaching, Pennsylvania State and local police are busy planning out more DUI roadblocks and DUI focused patrols. You will likely be stopped as well.
OK. Here’s the truth that no one will tell you but me. If you are stopped by the police at night and if they even think that you are drunk or think that they smell alcohol, you are going to be arrested no matter what you say or what you do or what the evidence is. Most police officers adopt a “better safe than sorry” approach because if they are wrong and they turn out to not arrest someone who later turns out to be drunk and that person hurts property or people or kills someone, then they will be fired and the municipality or state will be sued. So, the bad news is, if you hear the words “Have you been drinking?” or “How much have you had to drink?” or “Please step out in the car,” you are going to be arrested. There is nothing you can do about it other than try to protect yourself from a false conviction after this false accusation.
That is why I have put together a short and handy guide of what you should do if you are pulled over by the police for DUI in PA.
Shut Up!
No one can talk their way out of a DUI so don’t try it. You can only hurt yourself by talking. Don’t admit to drinking any amount of alcohol or say anything and most especially don’t lie (don’t say “I had a few” or “I had 2”). Just politely say, “Officer, I choose to remain silent”. Provide the necessary documents and remain silent. Talking will only give the officer more evidence against you. Staying silent is the best thing you can do for yourself and it is your right.
Refuse the Roadside DUI tests
There are two types of tests the officer may ask you to perform at roadside. First are the awkward high-pressure and purposeless game of Simon Says such as the alphabet test or the finger count test and then there is the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs). With the SFSTs you will be told to follow the officer’s finger (Horizontal Gauze Nystagmus test-which is inadmissible in Pennsylvania, yet police all across the state continue to conduct it for some unknown reason), walk a straight line (Walk and Turn test) and stand on one leg counting out loud (One Leg Stand). These tests are not scientifically valid and are designed for failure. Furthermore, police officers incorrectly administer these DUI tests leading to many false arrests. Once again this can only be used as evidence against you and will not help you. These test are totally optional and your best bet is to politely refuse. You will not be penalized for not doing them. In fact, by not playing the high-pressure meaningless game of Simon says at roadside, you will provide the officer with less data to justify his reason to arrest you. Less data and information means that their justification in arresting you is weaker and in fact they may have no justified reason at all. It may result in there being insufficient evidence to justify your arrest and therefore suppressing all of the after-acquired evidence causing your case to be dismissed.
The other test the police may ask you to perform is the portable breath test (PBT). You may think to yourself that these tests are accurate and valid. You may even think that because in truth you only had one drink that you could not possibly be over the limit. You would be wrong. These hand-held PBT’s are not precise and create false positives.
Once again this is voluntary. You are not required to do a PBT test. If you do not perform a PBT upon request at roadside you cannot be charged with a refusal for it and the jury will not hear about your refusal either. In fact, you should not do it. As these things are not specific to alcohol and are not accurate, you are voluntarily providing the police with more evidence against you. To do so, does not make sense even if you are 100% innocent. These tests are optional and you should politely refuse.
Request an Independent Blood Test
If the police take you to the station for a full evidentiary breath test or the booking center or hospital for a blood test, you have the right to to request an independent blood test. They won’t tell you that you have a right to an independent test, but you do. You simply tell them that you want them to follow the law. In Section 1547 of the Vehicle Code, we find the following language:
(h) Test by personal physician.–The person tested shall be permitted to have a physician of his own choosing administer an additional breath, blood or urine chemical test and the results of the test shall also be admissible in evidence. The chemical testing given at the direction of the police officer shall not be delayed by a person’s attempt to obtain an additional test.
Therefore any unreasonable delay in your release could frustrate your ability to get this second test and cause the original police-generated test to be suppressed. Oh yeah don’t worry if you are over the limit as the police will likely delay and not give you the opportunity to perform a second test any way.
Also, remember that the DUI crime labs that the police use are often overworked and underpaid and at times do not follow proper standards. Very few attorneys check their work. We always do. We frequently find errors that lead to a challenge of the validity of the result. The risk of a false positive from a lab error is high. (Read more about problems at forensic crime labs.)
Write things down
Another important piece of advice is to write things down. Try to establish a drinking history by going back and getting witnesses names and addresses so we can later go back and investigate it to make a true pharmacological history. People forget things and writing things down will help preserve the details. Remember, details provide for truth. The truth win cases.
The important things to take note of is who can confirm how little you had to drink and over what period of time as well as your stomach contents (what you had to eat). With this and other information we can construct what your BAC should have been at the time of driving or the time of the test to refute the state’s evidence. In addition, we want to talk with everyone who saw you so we can present witnesses that refutes the officer’s claim that you appeared drunk and instead that you were in charge of your faculties, that you made sense and that you weren’t stumbling when they saw you. Finally, we want to interview any passengers in your car or those who did not stop you from driving, so that we can gain their estimation from those who know you better than the officer who is a stranger to you as to whether or not you were capable of safe driving and how they thought that you were fine to drive and that they care about you and others and would not let you drive if they thought you were even possibly drunk.
Call a Qualified PA DUI Attorney Immediately
The best way to help yourself is to call a Qualified PA DUI Attorney Immediately. We have a 24 hour DUI helpline at 1-866-MCSHANE. As mentioned before, details win cases. The earlier you get us involved, the better we can prepare your case.
There are also time sensitive steps that need to be completed early on. For example, if your license is suspended due to a DUI refusal, you must appeal within 30 days or else your license suspension will stand. You will also want to consult a qualified attorney for your preliminary hearing. The preliminary hearing is an important legal step for your DUI defense and you should have an attorney present to represent your case.
disgusted says:
Why you you want people that are drinking & driving to get off lightly? Shouldn’t you want them to be held accountable and hopefully learn a good lesson? Not get off lightly & do it again. The next time it might be you, or your child/family member or even themselves that will die, be permantely disfigured or a vegetable for their lifetime. How do you lawyers sleep nights doing this? Shame on you!
Justin McShane says:
Life is long. Some day someone that you love or you yourself will be charged with a DUI or related offense. When that happens you will see how the heavy-handed punishment does nothing to curb DUI. DUI is not a crime of specific intent or premeditation. It is often due to a lack of planning or foresight. The best formula to prevent the very evils you speak of is in appropriate and targeted education to prevent and rehabilitation to treat.
Maria says:
I agree, the current system very much punishes innocent families and relatives of the “offender” who are stuck between a rock and a hard place already, trying to get their loved ones to quit drinking, then suffering the consequences of the fines, job loss, etc. Society is messed up, they want alcohol and drugs to be legal, advertisers glorify use of alcohol and drugs, and our communities are set up to be dependent on automotive transportation. If alcoholism is a “disease” as we are told by the medical community, the law enforcement response is to throw the “offender” into jail? Which leads them into a deeper spiral of drinking and increases repeat offenses. It’s a lose-lose scenario. Real treatments need to be developed that change behaviors. What are all these surcharges funding? DMVs and jails? They should fund alcohol treatment centers and research for a cure.
JoJo says:
I couldn’t agree more Marie, these laws are outrageous and totally unfair and unjust!
James E Baugher says:
I think someone has nothing better to do than to whine about this. First of all how do you knw they are Guilty. They may be innocent. But what matters most is everyone even the guilty have a right to a fair and honest trial, and most Lawyers attempt to do that. This one is just making facts available they do not tell you which is kind of unlawful in my eyes. I can only think you must be a Police Officer!
Barbara Krout says:
You talk about DUI. killing people my dad was killed by a eighty five year old wommen!
We did not put her in jail. You say learn a good lesson!What the hell would that do. He is gone and nothing will change that!
601 says:
Shane, hats off to you for standing up for the people who are treated with injustice when they are pulled over after having 2-3 cocktails with a huge steak and go to jail for DUI. I have a friend, that works with me, and he had 5 beers in a 4 hour period with dinner. He went through a checkpoint and was literally 100 fett from his driveway and was mistreated by law enforcment. He almost lost his job making over 150k per year, and he got to keep it because of people like you who choose to challenge law enforcerment. If they are going to hold people like me and you accountable then they should be held accountable as well. Now, I simply have been touched by death by drinkling and driving. I have been through alot with family memebers and things I wintnessed. Those cases should be treated diffrently. I do not believe that you should take up for a guy who is more than smashed and runs over someone. We all have made mistakes, so do not let people judge you. DO good work, take up for the people who are mistreated by law enforcement when they should be chasing a drug dealer down, rather than waiting for a tax paying patron to leave a bar and stop him for DUI to support the local magestrates office and tax area.
Thanks For Letting me Leave mY Comment
jojo says:
pay no mind to the 1st poster on this blog, if they only knew the harsh and unjust punishments they would change their tune…and quickly, the dui laws are unfair to most social drinkers and do nothing to deter the drunks! thanks 4 your info
Bobby says:
I’m from Maryland and was in pa. Police pulled me over and I did the sobriety test and then the pbt, immediately after that I was cuffed and taken to the hospital for a blood sample. I was not told what the results of the pbt was and he said he didn’t know. How can you arrest someone without knowing if I was over the limit or not? I wasn’t given an arrest report or any kind of paperwork and had to call the different stations up to find out what was happening. I was told I’d have to wait a couple weeks.
Joseph Hernandez calzada says:
I was sleeping in my car on the block where I live i wasn’t driving but the officer arrested me and charged me with DUI I haven’t received any paperwork or anything like that can u help me I’m running out of time