I was interviewed recently by Christine Funk for The Women’s Information Network about cognitive bias. Here is the link:
Cognitive Bias: An Interview with Justin McShane
In this interview I explain the flaw in every single one of us humans suffers from called cognitive or contextual bias. I have blogged before about how this effects DUI cases in DUI Tunnel Vision: How Contextual Bias leads to False Arrests. With all of the increasing attention and focus on DUI, contextual bias has become such a big problem that a number of motorists right here in Harrisburg, PA have been falsely arrested due to it.
However, there is hope (assuming that the powers that be actually want to rectify this problem). Better training and awareness can definitely help police officers make better decisions on who they arrest. Pennsylvania’s finest really need to be top-notch and the only way to achieve that is through better education and training.
-Justin J. McShane, Esquire, Pennsylvania DUI Attorney
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