Last but definitely not least, the single greatest contributing factor to wrongful convictions is eyewitness identification. A whopping 70% of wrongful convictions, who were later cleared by DNA testing, were due to a mis-identification of the criminal by the eyewitness, who is sometimes even the victim themselves. The table below illustrates this phenomenon. After…
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Mandating the Use of Dashcams Can Help Serve Justice Better
Most of the time, dashcams are brought up in conversations about protecting citizens against corrupt police officers. There is another side. Dashcams protect police officers too. Many times police encounters hinge on the statements of two people: the office and the citizen. Usually you end up with two conflicting sides of a story. Dashcams and…
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Here’s What to Do When Arrested for a DUI
If you were recently arrested for a DUI, chances are that you are scared and frustrated. There are probably a lot of questions racing through your head. “Will I go to jail?” “What will happen to my license?” “If I can’t drive, how will I get to work?” Right now you need answers. We…
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PA Woman sues police over false DUI
DUI is a very serious charge. So much so that just simply being charged can really change a person’s life forever. DUI carries a huge social and political stigma. People don’t consider the facts of the case. They judge you in the court of public opinion. This includes friends, family, colleagues and your bosses. On…
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Cops get awards for DUI arrests
We often see headlines like these: Pa. DUI Association honoring police for DUI enforcement but seldom do we think about some of the negatives that these types of awards produce. DUI lobbies like these awards police officers all over the country for making a high number of DUI arrests. This in turn creates a competition…
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Man Blows .00 and Still Gets Arrested
One of the things that I have tried to show in this blog over the years is the FACT that not everyone who is accused of a DUI is guilty. Many good people are arrested everyday across the country and falsely charged. That is because police do not need any real evidence to arrest you….
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Grandpa Driving too Slowly Causing a DUI Arrest?!
Meet Grandpa Sam. Who would have thought that Grandpa Sam would get pulled over for driving too slowly and then end up arrested for DUI? He is an elderly man on many medications and has a speech impediment due to a stroke BUT, none of his medications are considered a controlled substance so how can…
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Why Do You Support DUI?
In my years of defending DUI cases in Pennsylvania, one of the most common misconceptions I come across is people questioning why I support DUI. The fact of the matter is, I don’t support drunk driving. It is dangerous and many lives are needlessly lost because of DUI each year. Asking a DUI defense attorney…
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How to Save Yourself from a False DUI Conviction
Over the holidays, many Pennsylvania drivers will be stopped by police for DUI. Law enforcement is a human endeavor and police officers are prone to mistakes which can lead to false arrest. As citizens fit is up to you to arm yourself with knowledge of the law so you can protect yourself against a false…
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Pennsylvania Police Officer Admits to Lying in DUI Cases
We all want to trust the police and see them as upright protectors of justice. While many police officers are very professional and take their responsibility very seriously, there are others who are corrupt and use unscrupulous tactics that harm the common citizen. Bad cops exist everywhere and there is no shortage of them in…
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