One of the more interesting effects technology has had on criminal justice is the fact that people have cameras and are using them. Smartphones are ubiquitous and they give common citizens a powerful tool to help them report any harmful activity. But what about when citizens film the police? Many proponents suggest that filming police…
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Should Municipal Police Officers Be Trained in Modern DUI Practices? Does it Matter When the Government Lies to Win? McShane v. HACC (PSP) and What Timothy Ebersole Said
This is part one of a multi-part opinion and analysis series on McShane v. HACC (PSP). Should Municipal Police Officers Be Trained in Modern DUI Practices? Does it Matter When the Government Lies to Win? Analysis and Opinion related to McShane v. HACC (PSP) and What Timothy Ebersole Said In a prior post, we told…
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The need for transparency in law enforcement
The recent events in Ferguson and many other cities in country highlight the need for greater transparency in law enforcement. There are many cases, every day, in every corner of the country in which some cops lie, abuse or break the rules. This can range from arresting someone on false charges, failing to conduct an…
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The government sets up fake Facebook profile to set up suspected criminals
The police and law enforcement set up fake Facebook profiles to investigate people. This is something that shouldn’t be a surprise to any of us. Recently, a woman is suing the DEA for using her personal pictures to make a fake profile to investigate her boyfriend. Government Set Up A Fake Facebook Page In This…
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Does the Cop smelling marijuana really mean anything?
Another attorney recently emailed me asking me about what a cop smelling marijuana really means. It is a very interesting question because smell often comes up in cases involving alcohol and marijuana. Here are some thoughts: Just because someone’s clothes smell like marijuana (assuming that the cop identified it correctly which is not exactly a…
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Do Police Really Care About “Public Safety” When It Comes to DUI?
Law enforcement is a money making endeavor. There really is no doubt about it. They use buzzwords like “public safety” but their actions and tactics tell a totally different story. The whole “War on DUI” exposes this fallacy. Every weekend, police setup patrols targeting areas around popular bars and clubs. People drive drunk. The police…
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Various Faces of Police
The recent events in Ferguson have once again brought to light the issue of police interaction with the public. A culture of lack of training, lack of oversight and systematic arrogance have created an epidemic where the next Ferguson MO could be in your or my backyard. While there are many very hardworking and professional…
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The militarization of police and the “war” on drunk driving, is this right? Pennsylvania seems to think so
Is the over-militarization of the police and the “war” on drunk driving appropriate? Pennsylvania State Police and MPOETC seem to think so No longer science-fiction – wars are being waged by the government on American citizens. In the American military science fiction television show, Battlestar Galactica (BSG), military Commander William Adama was debating the…
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Philly Police Involved in Organized Crime
The police are entrusted to uphold the law and justice not extort, rob, and sell drugs. Reports out of Philly show police corruption at its finest. Philly police officers used gangland tactics to rob drug dealers, say federal authorities PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Six city narcotics officers used gangland tactics to shake down drug dealers, robbing…
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Does what happen in Colorado Stay in Colorado? How Smoking Weed Legally Can Land You a Pennsylvania DUI
As of January 1, 2014, the state of Colorado became the first state to legalize marijuana possession and recreational use under certain circumstances. People can now buy marijuana like alcohol. If you are 21 or older, you can buy up to an ounce at a licensed store, as long as you have a Colorado ID….
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