There needs to be serious reform in the criminal justice system. There are so many aspects that are broken and so many ways in which the rights of citizens are being compromised. The bail system is one of these systems that is often overlooked. Often times, people are arrested on small charges and are left…
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DRIVING THROUGH THE DUI PROCESS Part 3 of 6: The Preliminary Hearing
One of the most confusing parts of fighting a DUI is wondering how the “whole thing” will go – especially if you’ve never seen the inside of a courtroom. In this six-part blog series, “Driving Through the DUI Process,” we aim to present a step-by-step explanation of the typical DUI court proceedings in Pennsylvania. Step…
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Welcome to our new blog series where we will drive you through the DUI process from the time of arrest all the way to trial. There may be a number of signals that can trigger an officer to suspect you of driving under the influence. For example, you might have been driving too slowly, changing lanes…
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In part 3 of this blog series, “The DUI Sink Hole,” we will continue discussing ways to avoid falling in deeper. One way to dig your hole WAY, WAY, WAY deeper is to try to defend your DUI case yourself — to become what we call a DIY lawyer. Why? 1. Don’t Assume that You…
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Jury Lambasted for Disagreeing with the Judge
So what happens when a jury hears the evidence in a trial and makes a unanimous opinion to issue a verdict that may be bold and unpopular? Shouldn’t they be commended for taking a stand for what they felt was right? Well that wasn’t the case recently in Tarrant County, Texas. In a DWI trial…
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DUI Law Deemed Unconstitutional but Convictions Will Stick
DUI- being a politically charged crime- leads to some strange laws and strange rulings. Recently, new stricter DUI laws were passed up north in British Columbia. The laws did not even allow any hearings for those accused. According to the Huffington Post: Doroshenko said the Motor Vehicle Act leaves no room for discretion and forces…
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Impartiality Be Damned! New Jersey Judge Doubles as Prosecutor
One of the hallmarks of a democratic society is the right to a trial before an impartial judge or jury. So what happens when the judge himself acts as the prosecutor for the case? As absurd as it sounds, this is exactly what happened in a municipal court in New Jersey on the evening of…
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If We Didn’t Have DNA He Would Have Been a Goner
Imagine being 19 years old and spending 9 months in jail for a crime you did not commit. This is the sad case of T.G. Fortunately, this sad story has ended due to the efforts of The McShane Firm who fought tirelessly and eventually got the charges dropped. T.G.’s case is a prime example of how…
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Judge Coaches Prosecutor in DUI Case
Judges are supposed to be neutral, detached and wholly impartial. Sometimes, they are not: Former Mount Laurel judge reprimanded by N.J. Supreme Court A former Mount Laurel municipal judge, who still presides over courts in Delanco and Palmyra, was reprimanded Friday by the New Jersey Supreme Court for being partial to the state in a…
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Suspended Before a DUI Conviction- Is this Even Constitutional?
According to local reports, a judge in Northampton County Pennsylvania has suspended the driver’s license of some of those suspected for DUI, even before the matter has been resolved in court: Policy of taking licenses before a DUI conviction draws critics The Salisbury Township woman insisted she was innocent of allegations she had driven drunk,…
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