The science of the Justin Bieber DUI case: How a lawyer-scientist can help [Updated on 26 January 2014 at 905 am EST entitled “The Problem with the Resisting Arrest without Violence charge.”] [Updated on 31 January at 1216 pm EST to include the TMZ link to the GPS records.] There are a lot of my…
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DUI Myth Busters: High BAC Can’t be Won
Many people who are charged with a DUI believe that cases with a reported High BAC number cannot be won. This, however, is not correct. (At The McShane Firm, we have won many high BAC cases in the past: High BAC cases won by The McShane Firm) A good DUI lawyer is trained in how…
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Suspended Before a DUI Conviction- Is this Even Constitutional?
According to local reports, a judge in Northampton County Pennsylvania has suspended the driver’s license of some of those suspected for DUI, even before the matter has been resolved in court: Policy of taking licenses before a DUI conviction draws critics The Salisbury Township woman insisted she was innocent of allegations she had driven drunk,…
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Pennsylvania Police Officer Admits to Lying in DUI Cases
We all want to trust the police and see them as upright protectors of justice. While many police officers are very professional and take their responsibility very seriously, there are others who are corrupt and use unscrupulous tactics that harm the common citizen. Bad cops exist everywhere and there is no shortage of them in…
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Challenging DUI Blood Evidence Part 5: Cross-Examining Forensic Experts
One question young, ambitious lawyers often ask me is, “how do you effectively cross-examine forensic experts?” Cross-examining the prosecution’s experts is one of the most important stages in a DUI case because if that “expert” testimony is left unchallenged, the blood alcohol reading or the drug concentration result will be accepted and most certainly will…
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What is Court Like?
People who have never had any legal trouble always wonder what is court like? Well, nothing in life is fair and the justice system is no different, especially when you are dealing with a DUI. When you step into court to fight a DUI charge, you are up against a strong, experienced gang of professionals…
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Why You Need a DUI Trial Attorney
You have a constitutional right to a trial if you are charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania. However, the sad reality is that most attorneys do not take DUI cases to trial. In fact, I know of some attorneys who have two decades worth of experience and have never taken a DUI case to a…
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Attorney McShane Co-writes Amicus in Supreme Court Win
The Supreme Court Announces its Decision in Bullcoming v. New Mexico in Favor of the Petitioner The Supreme Court of the United States has reversed the decision in the case of Bullcoming v. New Mexico siding with the argument that the prosecution using a surrogate forensic analyst who was not involved in the actual testing…
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The PA DUI Attorney Challenge: Taking DUI Cases to Trial
Having the right DUI lawyer at your side can make all the difference. The Pennsylvania DUI prosecutors you are up against have extensive experience and have one single goal- convicting you of DUI. They have the police on their side, who are trained and practiced professional witnesses, and they have some form of evidence which they…
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Pennsylvania DUI Attorney Wins Appeal in The Superior Court of Pennsylvania
I recently had the opportunity to defend a Pennsylvania DUI case that ended in a conviction for my client at trial. However, I appealed the judgment to The Superior Court of Pennsylvania and they overturned the verdict. However, in doing so, the Superior Court for the first time in Pennsylvania applied in its published opinion…
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