How do you Beat a DUI in Pennsylvania? As a Pennsylvania DUI Attorney I’m always running into someone new in my travels across the beautiful Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States. From Harrisburg to Philadelphia to Pittsburgh and states beyond, one thing that stays the same is the “magic question” that everyone seems to…
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DUI on a Horse and Buggy: Funny (not really) but is it a legal arrest?
It seems that about once a year in the Harrisburg area someone gets arrested for a DUI while either riding a horse or while attempting to drive a horse and buggy. We had our latest one and it hit the national media. The national media was all over it, of course… Pa. police arrest Amish…
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Piece of Paper Reads: “You’re Guilty”. Well Not Any More.
Imagine a place where you are accused of a crime. Where you can lose your liberty. Where you can lose your job. Where you can lose everything you have worked so very hard for. Imagine that during this trial, the Government only introduced a single piece of paper that reads “You’re Guilty”. That’s it. Imagine…
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