Have you recently been charged with driving under the influence? If so, you may be confused by the court process, as there are several steps that must be taken before a case actually goes to trial. An experienced DUI defense lawyer can assist you in navigating through the complicated court proceedings. Step 5. Omnibus Pretrial…
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When charged with a DUI, you may feel that you are stuck in a deep hole and there is no way out. Don’t despair. In this blog post, we will discuss ways to combat a DUI charge and ultimately get out of the hole. Here are some defenses that our DUI attorneys can use to…
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DRIVING THROUGH THE DUI PROCESS Part 4 of 6: The Discovery Phase
Welcome to part 4 of this six-part blog series, “Driving Through the DUI Process,” where we explain the Pennsylvania court process for DUI charges. Today we will explore the discovery phase. Step 4. The Discovery Phase Ironically, the name may depict a scene of a bunch lawyers and judges peering into some mystical crystal ball that holds your…
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DRIVING THROUGH THE DUI PROCESS Part 3 of 6: The Preliminary Hearing
One of the most confusing parts of fighting a DUI is wondering how the “whole thing” will go – especially if you’ve never seen the inside of a courtroom. In this six-part blog series, “Driving Through the DUI Process,” we aim to present a step-by-step explanation of the typical DUI court proceedings in Pennsylvania. Step…
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DRIVING THROUGH THE DUI PROCESS Part 2 of 6: The Arraignment
If you have been charged with a DUI, you are probably losing sleep over what is going to happen next. In this six-part blog series, “Driving Through the DUI Process,” we will present a step-by-step explanation of the typical DUI court proceedings in Pennsylvania. Having an experienced DUI attorney by your side early in the process can make…
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How DUI lobbies are robbing you of your Constitutional Rights
MADD and other drunk driving lobbies lobby the government to release millions of dollars worth of grants to police departments to carry out drunk driving initiatives. The departments, in turn, set up roadblocks to arbitrarily stop drivers. For example, it has been noticed that police officers camp out at a certain point and stop drivers for…
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When do prescription drugs expire in Pennsylvania? Warrantless Fishing expeditions in DUID cases by the Government
As more and more efforts by our government are being made to try to criminalize legitimate medical palliative care issued by a trained clinician, the more a DUI lawyer has to learn and know about the law and the science behind pharmacology. This is never more true than in the case of Driving Under the…
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What to Expect at a Preliminary Hearing
One of the first questions our support staff gets from new clients facing a DUI is, “Now what?” and “What can I expect at the Preliminary Hearing?” One of the first things we like to tell our clients is to trust the attorney they hired. Take with us. We want the best possible result for you. …
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Bad Scores for Teachers with DUI
If you are a teacher convicted of a DUI, there are many consequences in addition to the possible fines, license suspension and jail time. Given the societal stigma associated with teachers with any criminal convictions, and the role they play as educators for children, a DUI can hinder or even end a teacher’s career. Keep…
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April’s Fools: On April 1, 2014 Pennsylvania becomes a notice and demand state
On February 19, 2014, effective April 1, 2014, upon the joint recommendation of the Criminal Procedural Rules Committee and the Committee on Rules of Evidence, the Supreme Court adopted new Pennsylvania Rule of Criminal Procedure 574 to provide procedures for the admissibility of forensic laboratory reports in lieu of expert testimony. Click for Order Click…
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