State lawmakers in Washington State have proposed a bill that would require DUI ignition interlock devices for those who have had their DUI charges reduced to reckless driving: Goodman is sponsoring another bill, HB 2443, that would require the use of breath alcohol ignition interlock devices for those originally charged with DUI but convicted of…
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Bill Seeks to Make Interlock Mandatory for all DUI Offenders
Slowly but surely, DUI lobbies are pushing for laws that will curtail the rights of all citizens. It is well known that it is part of MADD’s agenda to make interlock devices mandatory standard equipment on all vehicles. In most states, including Pennsylvania, ignition interlock devices are mandatory only for repeat DUI offenders. A bill…
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The Law of the Jungle Does Not Apply to DUI
Many of us as kids read Rudyard Kipling’s masterpiece The Jungle Book. While the adventurous themes in the story appeal to young readers, Kipling also uses these stories as a platform to share his profound social commentary. He touches on many subjects, including criminal law: “What says the Law of the Jungle, Baloo?” Baloo did…
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The Cops Themselves Can’t Perform the Field Sobriety Tests
The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST), are one of the major tools officers use to determine whether or not they should arrest the driver for DUI. The problem is, they are really a poor indicator of impairment and lead the police to make false assumption, false arrests, false conclusions and false accusations. Here is a…
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Pennsylvania Driving while Texting Ban Highlights DUI Hypocrisy
Pennsylvania driving while texting penalties underscore the political nature of criminal penalties in PA. Under the new measure, drivers found guilty of driving while texting (DWT) would face a $50 fine. Compare this to the penalties for DUI and you will notice a huge discrepancy. Pa. Senate Approves Texting While Driving Ban Governor Expected To…
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The 4th of July to A DUI Lawyer: What would the Founding Fathers think?
Happy 4th of July! A report card from our Founding Fathers I had a thought last night and I gather a lot of my DUI defense lawyer brethren and sistren might think the same. What would the Founding Fathers think of us now? If they could see us and look at our judicial institutions and…
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Judge Rules DUI Blood Testing to be Unreliable
As an experienced PA DUI Attorney, I have deeply studied the forensic science that is presented in DUI blood tests. This knowledge has helped me win a number of cases and makes me a stronger defender of my clients’ rights. As practiced in a majority of places in the United States, DUI blood tests are…
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Pulled Over for Weaving Inside a Lane
Dear PA DUI Attorney, I was recently pulled over for a DUI after cops saw me weaving. What is your take on this? One of the most common pre-arrest signs police officers cite in DUI cases is “the suspect was weaving.” There are two types of weaving, weaving between the lane markers and weaving across…
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PA DUI Attorney Reaches a Milestone
I pride myself on being one of the hardest working DUI attorneys in PA. I have spent many years defending citizens accused of DUI. I have spent extensive time fighting in courtrooms, training in seminars and reading and writing research papers all in an effort to offer the best DUI defense to my clients. Today,…
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Holiday DUI Checkpoints Invade Our Privacy
By air or by road, holiday travelers can expect to have their privacy violated. Recently, there has been a lot of outrage over the full body scanners installed at many airports around the country due to privacy concerns. I myself earlier this week found myself to be a victim of this outrageous practice where my…
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