On May 19, 1975 Harold Franks was brutally murdered during a robbery in Cleveland. Based on the hearsay testimony of a 12 year-old boy, police arrested 18-year-old Ricky Jackson, 17-year-old Ronnie Bridgeman, and Bridgeman’s 20-year-old brother Wiley. None of them had a previous criminal record. What happened after that is the most horrific, callous, and cruel trail…
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The Pennsylvania Supreme Court fiddles while Centre County burns
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court fiddles while Centre County burns A political opinion piece by Justin J. McShane The honor and the integrity of the Pennsylvania judiciary has perhaps rightly been called into question with the Cash for Kids scandal (2008), Joan Orie Melvin (2012), Seamus P. McCaffery (2014), and the Philadelphia traffic court scandal and…
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Judge Grine sued all of us….. and lost
I titled this “Judge Grine sued all of us….. and lost” because when Judge Grine of Center County sued TC Tanski and The McShane Firm, LLC in a purely self-serving attempt to curb public speech and debate over his actions as a public figure, he in reality was attacking us all. All members of the…
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Freedom of Speech is Freedom to Question Judges
Freedom of Speech is Freedom to Question Judges An opinion piece by Justin J. McShane For a background of the Grine et al v. The McShane Firm, et al. lawsuit, I offer the following: Justice or an Abortion of Justice? Are some Judges and the Elected DA in Centre County out of Control? #SpeakTruthToPowerInCentreCounty hearing…
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Ever met a Judge in America who is against Free Speech? We have.
Ever met a Judge in America who is against Free Speech? We have. As regular readers will know, a sitting Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, Judge Grine of Centre County, sued The McShane Firm and Attorney TC Tanski to try to muzzle protected political speech. As I wrote earlier (Justice or an…
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Justice or an Abortion of Justice? Are some Judges and the Elected DA in Centre County out of Control?
An opinion piece by Justin J. McShane Justice or an Abortion of Justice? Are some Judges and the Elected DA in Centre County out of Control? This Firm comes into the public spotlight in the middle of an alarming series of events that has been well played out in the Centre Daily Times, but has…
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Could a federal bill end policing for profit?
Policing for profit is a big problem in our criminal justice system. Whether it’s traffic tickets or summary citations, the enforcement of many laws are in the interests of raising money instead of truly protecting the public. Although many policing agencies deny having a ticket quota, many have contact requirements. Whether proponents for static DUI checkpoints…
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Public Defender Arrested for Defending Her Client’s Constitutional Rights
Very disturbing story out of San Francisco. A public defender was arrested for trying to defend her client’s right to an attorney: SF Public Defender Detained By Police After Trying To Intervene With Questioning Of Client SF deputy public defender Jami Tillotson says she was only trying to protect her client’s constitutional right to counsel…
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Ohio man exonerated after 27 years of false imprisonment
It’s a story we hear all too often. A murder is committed and bad investigations and sketchy witness testimony lead to the wrong person going to jail. We hear it and act like it’s just another story. But it’s not. Behind every story lies a severe human tragedy. Decades of life lost. Shattered dreams. A…
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This Video May Change the Way You View DUID Charges
A car veers off the road killing one of its passengers. The driver had been lawfully taking anti-anxiety medication. The blood result shows a trace amount of her lawful medication. She was charged with negligent homicide and plead guilty to the penalty and served five years probation. Cases like this are common, right? Well, actually…
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