Metrology is the body of science surrounding measurement or how we know for certain or for as near as certain as scientifically possible that some measurement is in fact that quantitative measure. It is the very essence of measurement. Because if we do not know that some measurement is accurate, precise and true, then we…
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Juries want forensic science in DUI cases: Interview by Lisa Bloom with Justin McShane
Catch this interview with national TV legal analyst Lisa Bloom and Justin McShane, a Harrisburg DUI Lawyer. They discus the way that juries look at forensic science and crave it. -Justin J. McShane, Esquire, Pennsylvania DUI Attorney I am the highest rated DUI Attorney in PA as Rated by You can follow me…
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Why forensic science testing for DUI BAC determination is the silly sister of analytical science: Good Laboratory Practices
I have written before, perhaps rhetorically: Why if someone is allowed full due process of law are we also not entitled to due process of science? It seems backward. Law at the expense of science or science at the expense of law, doesn’t it? One would think rationally that we would be entitled to full…
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Why it is right to be a modern day skeptic: The need to continue to challenge sacred cows: Paradigm Shift
(Pictured above: A sacred cow) A sacred cow is defined as "an object or practice which is considered immune from criticism, especially unreasonably so." They exist all around us. Some healthy. Most are not. It is vitally important for the evolution of man and science to identify, examine and challenge sacred cows. In short to…
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You have heard of the NAS (National Academy of Sciences) study, but have you heard of STARD?
Congress recently commissioned the National Academies to make a searching examination of the state of forensic science in the Courtroom in America. This systemic and detailed examination resulted in a report entitled “Strengthening Forensic Science in the United States: A Path Forward”. The forensic science community was all ablaze as a result of the condemning…
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WellSpan is to be commended, but why people who have been convicted for decades of a DUI should be upset
On Wednesday and Thursday of this past week, Rick Fulton of the Gettysburg Times, wrote reported that WellSpan hospital system in Central Pennsylvania will no longer support or offer to provide blood testing for Court use of Blood Alcohol Content testing (BAC). The BAC testing, of course, is so important in a DUI prosecution and…
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Piece of Paper Reads: “You’re Guilty”. Well Not Any More.
Imagine a place where you are accused of a crime. Where you can lose your liberty. Where you can lose your job. Where you can lose everything you have worked so very hard for. Imagine that during this trial, the Government only introduced a single piece of paper that reads “You’re Guilty”. That’s it. Imagine…
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