The Supreme Court Announces its Decision in Bullcoming v. New Mexico in Favor of the Petitioner The Supreme Court of the United States has reversed the decision in the case of Bullcoming v. New Mexico siding with the argument that the prosecution using a surrogate forensic analyst who was not involved in the actual testing…
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Forensics Reform: An Issue We Should All be United On
If you ask the average person, there seems to be two schools of thought on the problems in our justice system: 1. They are letting criminal go free. 2. They are punishing innocent people. Clearly there is a huge divide between these two camps. For example if you asked them both about Pennsylvania DUI Laws,…
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DUI Warning for Asthma Patients
Imagine being an asthma patient for a second. You are driving along at night while you are really tired. You may swerve a bit and your reaction time is slow. Suddenly you see blue and red lights flashing in your rear-view mirror. You get nervous and start breathing fast. Since you are an asthma patient…
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More Problems at DUI Crime Labs
Serious Problems at Indiana Crime Labs to Effect a Large Number of Cases In a DUI case, the result of the blood test used to determine the BAC of the accused is normally the most important piece of evidence. When the labs conducting these tests are sloppy or even downright fraudulent, this can cause a…
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Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer Attends ACS Chromatography Training
Recently the American Chemical Society (ACS) held a five day intensive course on Gas Chromatography (GC). Gas Chromatography is used for DUI blood testing right here in Pennsylvania and around the country. Any DUI lawyer worth his/her salt should be well versed in how Gas Chromatography works and how it can yield erroneously high blood…
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Harrisburg DUI Attorney Justin McShane to Present at ACS National Meeting
DUI involves a lot of science. From biology to physiology to chemistry to pharmacology, a diligent DUI attorney must have a firm grasp of the scientific aspects involved in a DUI case. In an effort to provide the very best representation to my clients, I have spent countless hours studying scientific papers, attending seminars and…
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Government-Funded Study Calls for Overhaul of Nation’s Crime Labs
Here is an article about the famous National Academy of Sciences study. I thought I should post it as a follow up to my post about the crime labs in San Francisco. Government-Funded Study Calls for Overhaul of Nation’s Crime Labs Forensic science has helped send thousands of suspected murderers, rapists and other alleged criminals…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 9 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture “Defending DUI Drug Cases” in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 9: “Conclusion,” expert DUI Attorney McShane urges his audience to use truth and science in DUI defense instead of “smoke and mirrors.” The McShane Firm is the premier DUI/DWI law firm in Harrisburg,…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 8 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture “Defending DUI Drug Cases” in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 8: “Dealing with DRE Officers,” DUI Attorney McShane explains various tactics for dealing with so-called Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) officers in DUI-D cases. The McShane Firm is the premier DUI/DWI law firm in…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 7 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture “Defending DUI Drug Cases” in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 7: “Educating The Jury,” expert DUI Attorney McShane explains how to beat a state drug expert by demonstrating to jurors the difference between a valid and conclusve result and a real-world false conclusion…
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