The Government wants to install alcohol detectors in cars, but is that a good idea? Schumer calls for alcohol detectors in vehicles WASHINGTON — Sen. Charles E. Schumer said Thursday he’ll push for legislation to boost alcohol-detection technology in cars, which he said could greatly reduce drunk driving — especially for repeat offenders. Basically the…
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Faulty Machines Lead to 400 DUI Convictions in D.C.
Just because someone blows a high number, doesn’t mean they are guilty of DUI. These breath machines are quirky and if not calibrated properly (a very common problem) they can yield artificially high measurements. They are not specific or selective for exclusively drinking alcohol or ETOH. Look what happened in our nation’s capital: 400 drunken-driving…
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Self-Regulating Butchers and Police Officers
Pennsylvania residents don’t trust self-regulating butchers, so why do they trust self-regulating police officers and technicians? I came across an article about self-regulation that I would like to share: Pennsylvania mulls handing weights and measures inspection to private sector When consumers get a bad meal, they know it. But getting shortchanged on a few ounces of…
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Dude, I just got convicted by a breath test machine that was state-of-the-art in 1984
I frequently talk to people about evidentiary breath testing. I explain the weaknesses of one infamous and silly device called the Intoxilyzer 5000. This is the breath test machine used by the Harrisburg Police Department and other surrounding police departments. After I explained a lot of the shortcomings it seems that about 9 out of…
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Not every police officer lies. Not every police officer colors the truth. Not every police officer embellishes. But there are enough. If there is one that is too many. Let’s face it police officers are human. They are motivated like we all are. To not lose, to win. To do the job efficiently and some…
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How to Find a DUI Lawyer in Pennsylvania: Breath Test Machines
In our current series How to Find a DUI Lawyer in Pennsylvania, we are examining what information an average citizen should gather in order to select the best DUI Lawyer. Here are the topics we have covered so far: What is a DUI Lawyer? Question #1: What specialized DUI training have you attended over the past…
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Beat the Breath Test or the Breath Test Beat You?
As a highly regarded DUI attorney, I invariably get asked “Well, how do I beat the breath test machine?” I always respond, “Don’t worry about beating the Breath test machine. Worry about it beating you.” What I mean by this is that the machine can over-report your true Blood Alcohol Content. In other words, the…
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