Recently, it was found that incorrectly calibrated and faulty DUI breath testing machines could effect thousands of DUI cases in Philadelphia. I was recently interviewed about the DUI breath test problem in Philadelphia by The Inquirer ( As a PA DUI attorney someone who has studied breath testing thoroughly, I have found that the Philadelphia…
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Dear PA DUI Attorney: Should I Take a Portable Breath Test?
If I am stopped for a DUI in PA, am I required to Take the Hand-held Breath Test? A lot of people get into trouble simply for not knowing their rights when stopped for a PA DUI. Police know this and try to intimidate people into obeying their orders and in the process forgo the…
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Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer: Breath Machine Accuracy
Every Friday we take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about Pennsylvania DUI laws and related topics. Today: Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer, I was charged recently with a DUI after the…
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Caught: DUI Breath Test Center bad acts
Why there should be cameras in DUI processing centers, blood draw areas and even labs…. It’s not just a Florida problem folks. -Justin J. McShane, Esquire, Pennsylvania DUI Attorney I am the highest rated DUI Attorney in PA as Rated by You can follow me on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin Board Certified…
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Beat the Breath Test or the Breath Test Beat You?
As a highly regarded DUI attorney, I invariably get asked “Well, how do I beat the breath test machine?” I always respond, “Don’t worry about beating the Breath test machine. Worry about it beating you.” What I mean by this is that the machine can over-report your true Blood Alcohol Content. In other words, the…
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Piece of Paper Reads: “You’re Guilty”. Well Not Any More.
Imagine a place where you are accused of a crime. Where you can lose your liberty. Where you can lose your job. Where you can lose everything you have worked so very hard for. Imagine that during this trial, the Government only introduced a single piece of paper that reads “You’re Guilty”. That’s it. Imagine…
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