Do the Roadside DUI Tests Actually Measure Impaired Driving?

Do the Roadside DUI Tests Actually Measure Impaired Driving?

Everyday, average citizens all across the beautiful Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are arrested and charged with DUI.  One of the most important pieces of evidence collected by the police and used by the prosecution in these cases are the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs).  Any conscientious defense lawyer, who specializes in DUI cases, recognizes the importance…

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How to Find a DUI Lawyer in Pennsylvania: Breath Test Machines

How to Find a DUI Lawyer in Pennsylvania: Breath Test Machines

In our current series How to Find a DUI Lawyer in Pennsylvania, we are examining what information an average citizen should gather in order to select the best DUI Lawyer.  Here are the topics we have covered so far: What is a DUI Lawyer? Question #1: What specialized DUI training have you attended over the past…

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Beat the Breath Test or the Breath Test Beat You?

Beat the Breath Test or the Breath Test Beat You?

As a highly regarded DUI attorney, I invariably get asked “Well, how do I beat the breath test machine?” I always respond, “Don’t worry about beating the Breath test machine. Worry about it beating you.” What I mean by this is that the machine can over-report your true Blood Alcohol Content. In other words, the…

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Piece of Paper Reads: “You’re Guilty”.  Well Not Any More.

Piece of Paper Reads: “You’re Guilty”. Well Not Any More.

Imagine a place where you are accused of a crime.  Where you can lose your liberty.  Where you can lose your job.  Where you can lose everything you have worked so very hard for. Imagine that during this trial, the Government only introduced a single piece of paper that reads “You’re Guilty”.  That’s it. Imagine…

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Bad Breath:  How You Can be Guilty Not of a DUI, but Guilty of Eating a Hoagie

Bad Breath: How You Can be Guilty Not of a DUI, but Guilty of Eating a Hoagie

A FALSE POSITIVE: We can think of a lot of things in our every day lives that can provide for false positives such as: pregnancy tests quick screen mammograms prostate marker screening tests for cancer PAP smear BREATH TEST MACHINES! We are all probably familiar with the idea of a false positive. Technically, Merriam Webster’s Medical Dictionary defines…

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