I know the title is a little provocative, but it is a question worth examining. Today, one of the nation’s best DUI lawyers, Lawrence Taylor, posted on his blog, the DUI blog (which is a must read), a post entitled “A ‘Fraudulent’ Field Sobriety Test?” Within his blog post, he writes about a peer-reviewed article…
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Are the Field Sobriety Tests Scientifically Proven?
I have represented the citizens of Pennsylvania in thousands of DUI cases. One thing I have seen is that prosecutors put far too much emphasis of these roadside tests. These tests are designed to put people in unusual body positions doing impractical acts. People do not normally walk around literally walking heel-to-toe on a straight…
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Do the Roadside DUI Tests Actually Measure Impaired Driving?
Everyday, average citizens all across the beautiful Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are arrested and charged with DUI. One of the most important pieces of evidence collected by the police and used by the prosecution in these cases are the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs). Any conscientious defense lawyer, who specializes in DUI cases, recognizes the importance…
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Roadside DUI Test: Standardized Field Sobriety Tests Explained
Introduction to DUI Roadside Testing There are a lot of common misconceptions in relation to the Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) which are supposed to be used by the police to determine who they are going to arrest for a DUI. These tests are normally the first thing the officer uses to screen drivers and…
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