Its that time of the year again! While many of us are out and about shopping or enjoying time with our family and friends, police are out in full force stopping us at DUI checkpoints for no reason and absent probable cause in total violation of the true meaning of the 4th Amendment. These checkpoints…
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DUI Checkpoints This Weekend
DUI Checkpoints will be setup on roadways in Central Pennsylvania this weekend. Yet another waste of resources on a tactic that does nothing but inefficiently enforce the law. If you are serious about drunk driving enforcement, you do roving patrols. They are repeatedly shown to be more effective and a lot more efficient. Static roadblocks…
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Roadblock stops 1021 but no DUI arrests: More Police (In)Efficiency: They threw a party and no body came
What if you put together a big huge party, but no one came? You’d feel pretty lame wouldn’t you?? DUI checkpoints are woefully inefficient. This is a fact. If you don’t believe me read this: 1,021 drivers stopped at Burbank DUI checkpoint; 0 were drunk A sobriety checkpoint in Burbank on Saturday that screened 1,021…
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NTSB Recommends Cutting the DUI limit from .08 to .05
Yesterday, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended that states reduce the allowable blood-alcohol concentration for DUI from 0.08% to 0.05% claiming that it will make the roads safer. Unfortunately, this recommendation has no scientific backing and will result in many more false arrests if adopted. It is based upon a belief not founded in…
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Another Unexpected Consequence of a DUI Conviction
Lawmakers in New Mexico have come up with an idea to ban people convicted of a DUI from purchasing alcohol. Do you think this will work? I, for one, have my doubts. This country has tried prohibition and it didn’t work for us. If people want to drink they will always find a way to…
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Cop Arrested for Fabricating Evidence: It’s About Time!
Recently, a police officer in Florida was arrested for fabricating evidence in DUI cases. I say: It’s about time! FL Highway Patrol Trooper, Scott Kuntsmann, arrested for fabricating arrest reports … Following an investigation by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, it was determined Kunstmann not only fabricated arrest records, but also…
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Guest Post From Becky Kate Editor for
FAQ’s from a DUI Directory Staff Member I work for 1 800 DUI Laws which is a national directory of DUI lawyers that includes Justin McShane as one of its esteemed members. Everyday we have people come to us who need help with their DUI cases and I come across common concerns. I thought I’d…
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Basic Court Etiquette
Whether it’s a DUI preliminary hearing or a domestic violence case, there are basic courtroom etiquette that are important to follow. Many of these points may seem simplistic or even downright obvious but as many people have never been to court and make mistakes in this regard, I feel it is well worth mentioning. Remember,…
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Summertime- DUI Time
Pennsylvania is an exciting place during the summer. With beautiful national parks, historical landmarks, theme parks and many other attractions, there sure is a lot to do here PA. However, along with the pick up in activity and excitement, there is certainly an up-tick in the number of people arrested for DUI. “Why does this…
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The Law of the Jungle Does Not Apply to DUI
Many of us as kids read Rudyard Kipling’s masterpiece The Jungle Book. While the adventurous themes in the story appeal to young readers, Kipling also uses these stories as a platform to share his profound social commentary. He touches on many subjects, including criminal law: “What says the Law of the Jungle, Baloo?” Baloo did…
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