They Get Off on Technicalities but They’re Really Guilty, Aren’t They?

They Get Off on Technicalities but They’re Really Guilty, Aren’t They?

In my travels around the country and around Pennsylvania, I run into a number of people.  One of the most common questions I get is, "You get them off on technicalities but they’re really guilty, aren’t they?" Here’s a question: Have you ever been accused of something you didn’t do? Of course, at one time or…

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The Twitter Bird Has Had a Little Too Much to Drink

The Twitter Bird Has Had a Little Too Much to Drink

Interesting article that shows how creative people are getting with Twitter. How drunk is SXSW? Follow the tweeting breathalyzer Combine a mass of Internet-obsessed geeks and alcohol, and what do you get? Aside from some  very awkward social situations, the natural offspring is a Twitter-enabled breathalyzer project. I have blogged before about how we should…

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DUI Tunnel Vision: How Contextual Bias leads to False Arrests

DUI Tunnel Vision: How Contextual Bias leads to False Arrests

Contextual bias is a particular problem with respect to DUI arrests, not just in the state of Pennsylvania but in the entire country. Through often politicized law enforcement initiatives such as Operation Night Hawk and other similar DUI focused patrols, intense pressure is placed upon police officers and troopers to “hunt” drunk drivers.  They are…

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Harrisburg Based DUI attorney Justin McShane invited to speak at the annual Alabama Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Association meeting

Harrisburg Based DUI attorney Justin McShane invited to speak at the annual Alabama Criminal Defense Lawyer’s Association meeting

Harrisburg based DUI lawyer Justin J. McShane has been invited to present before the Alabama Criminal Defense Lawyers Association on advanced DUI training.  Although ACDLA is sponsoring the event, it is a multi-state training seminar  The seminar is scheduled for Friday, October 8, 2010 in Biloxi, Mississippi at the the 5-star quality Beau Rivage. The…

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DUI related axoims:  Paradigm shift towards Data Driven Decision Making (D3M)

DUI related axoims: Paradigm shift towards Data Driven Decision Making (D3M)

An axiom is a type of postulate or a proposition that is not proved or demonstrated but is considered to be so true as to be organically self-evident.  Therefore, its truth is taken for granted, and serves as a starting point for deducing and inferring other (theory dependent) truths that require proof. As we discussed…

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Why it is right to be a modern day skeptic:  The need to continue to challenge sacred cows:  Paradigm Shift

Why it is right to be a modern day skeptic: The need to continue to challenge sacred cows: Paradigm Shift

(Pictured above:  A sacred cow) A sacred cow is defined as "an object or practice which is considered immune from criticism, especially unreasonably so." They exist all around us.  Some healthy.  Most are not.  It is vitally important for the evolution of man and science to identify, examine and challenge sacred cows.  In short to…

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Lisa Bloom Interview with Pennsylvania DUI Attorney Justin McShane

Lisa Bloom Interview with Pennsylvania DUI Attorney Justin McShane

Lisa Bloom of CBS and CNN interviews Pennsylvania DUI Attorney Justin McShane.  In this interview ignition interlock devices issues and malfunctions are discussed.  Also what makes the McShane Firm different from all other Pennsylvania DUI law firms is discussed.  The question of will alcohol inpatient treatment help me is addressed.  Finally, Driving Under the Influence of…

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