What is a SCRAM bracelet? SCRAM stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor. It is an alcohol motioning device which subjects must wear around their ankle to provide continuous monitoring. These devices are usually ordered for repeat DUI offenders in PA but may also be ordered for other criminal defendants when the court believes that…
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What is a SCRAM Bracelet?
What is a SCRAM bracelet? SCRAM stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor. It is an alcohol motioning device which subjects must wear around their ankle to provide continuous monitoring. These devices are usually ordered for repeat DUI offenders in PA but may also be ordered for other criminal defendants when the court believes that…
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2017 Memorial Day DUI Checkpoints
For many, the Memorial Day long weekend marks the official start of the summer. For police it marks the official start of DUI hunting season. While many of us will be out enjoying all that Pennsylvania has to offer with family and friends, police are hard at work planning DUI checkpoints on major roadways. At…
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Important Lesson for Teachers Charged with a DUI
A DUI Can Mean Losing Your Teaching Job One of the common concerns for teachers who are charged with a DUI is about whether they will lose their job. You’ve put in so much hard work to get to this point. Watching it all come down in an instant can be very scary. Fortunately, The…
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Nurses and DUI
One common question we get from nurses charged with a DUI is “Will I lost my license to practice?” This depends on your disciplinary and criminal history as well as a number of procedures which need to be followed. At The McShane Firm, we represent a lot of professionals who need to protect their careers. …
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Christmas 2016 DUI Checkpoints in PA
Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year on Pennsylvania’s roadways. As always, you can expect local and state police to setup DUI checkpoints. As we have in the past. We will be sharing any Pennsylvania DUI checkpoint information on this blog. Many good citizens of Pennsylvania see these checkpoints as unwanted and…
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When State Trooper Daniel Beatty stopped a swerving black Mercedes Benz down Route 28 on the July Fourth holiday weekend, he thought it would be a routine DUI stop. As he approached the car, he said the female driver was “reeking of alcohol, staggering and incoherent to the situation.” Officer Beatty was surprised that the…
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Watch Out for Memorial Day DUI Checkpoints
For many of the Memorial Day long weekend marks the official start of the summer. For police it marks the official start of DUI hunting season. While many of us will be out enjoying all that Pennsylvania has to offer with family and friends, police are hard at work planning DUI checkpoints on major roadways….
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Top 10 Reasons You Should Hire an Attorney Now: #9 Peace Of Mind
When you’ve been accused of a DUI, you must contact an attorney immediately. The quicker you get the right attorney involved, the better your chances at a favorable result. Here’s one of the 10 Reasons why you must contact an attorney immediately after being arrested. Previously in this series we covered: #1 This won’t go away…
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