Once upon a time, there was a young man named John who was falsely accused and arrested for DUI by the police. John was a hardworking good man. He had been at a friend’s house watching football but didn’t drink with his friends. His buddy sitting next to him on the crowded couch spilled his…
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Which Counties have Declining DUI Enforcement?
The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts reports data of what offenses were committed over the past years. In their latest report, the data from 2017 shows that a number of counties had declining DUI enforcement when compared to 2016. The counties with the biggest declines were: For its part, Dauphin county saw a decline of…
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When State Trooper Daniel Beatty stopped a swerving black Mercedes Benz down Route 28 on the July Fourth holiday weekend, he thought it would be a routine DUI stop. As he approached the car, he said the female driver was “reeking of alcohol, staggering and incoherent to the situation.” Officer Beatty was surprised that the…
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$814,000 Grant to Make the Criminal Records System More Effective in PA
According to the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD), Pennsylvania police departments failed to collect the background data on over 1,500 felons. That means 1 out of every 9 times, police failed to do their most basic of jobs. To improve this worrisome trend, the PCCD has just been awarded a $814,000 grant from…
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Should Pennsylvania Do Away With Elections for Supreme Court Seats?
According to The Marshall Project: This year’s supreme court race in Pennsylvania is now the most expensive state supreme court election in U.S. history, according to data compiled by the Brennan Center and nonprofit election watchdog Justice At Stake. Going into Election Day, total spending had reached $15.9 million. The previous record was $15.2 million,…
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PA lawmaker calls for DUI registry
DUI laws are highly politically motivated. If they were motivated by lawmakers who cared about our families, you would see similar legislation for driving while texting and for falling asleep at the wheel. Both of those are just as dangerous as DUI but don’t have powerful lobbies backing new laws. I use that as a…
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Giving Cops “The Silent Treatment” at DUI Checkpoints
An attorney in Florida has recently proposed a tactic that drivers can use to avoid questioning at a DUI checkpoint. Boca Raton attorney Warren Redlich suggests using a sign like the one he is holding. He has made a YouTube video, which has gone viral, showing how it works . But could this method work in Pennsylvania?…
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PA Police to be out in full force on Super Bowl Sunday
As with any other holiday, you can expect an increased presence from police on Super Bowl Sunday. That means extra roving patrols and DUI checkpoints. While many of us will be out and about enjoying time with our family and friends, police will be out in full force stopping us at DUI roadblocks with no articuable and…
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Prescription Drug Database – Another Way Big Brother is Watching You
Recently, the State Senate approved legislation to create a database of patients taking prescription drugs. The idea is to give doctors tools to see if the same patients is getting prescriptions from multiple doctors and abusing prescription medication. Sounds like a good idea, right? The good idea turns creepy when we find that District Attorneys and…
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DUI Checkpoint for Gettysburg Bike Week
Motorcycle enthusiasts from all over will be flocking to Gettysburg for the 13th Annual Gettysburg Bike Week. Police are planning to target the event with a DUI checkpoint: Sobriety checkpoint planned for Gettysburg Bike Week A sobriety checkpoint is slated for Bike Week in Gettysburg, according to the Center for Traffic Safety. The checkpoint will…
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