Central PA Town Sees Growing DUI Arrest Numbers but is this a Result of Better Enforcement? I have blogged before about the statistics game police play with PA DUI arrest numbers. An increased number of arrests does not mean that there is an improvement in DUI enforcement because- “More” does not always mean “Better.” Take…
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Pennsylvania DUI laws are very complex and it is important to know which laws are relevant to your case.
In this category you will find various posts which discuss various PA DUI laws in detail. This includes posts on:
Underage DUI Laws
Synthetic Marijuana Laws
DUI Prescription Drugs
DUI for PA School Teachers
These posts are for information only and are not meant to replace professional legal counsel. If you are charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania, please call 1-866-MCSHANE to have your case reviewed by an experienced PA DUI attorney.

PA DUI Police Violate our Constitutional Rights
Pennsylvania Police are Conducting Illegal Random Stops for DUI The Fourth Amendment of the Constitution makes it illegal for police to make arrests without probable cause. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue,…
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Dear PA DUI Attorney: Should I Take a Portable Breath Test?
If I am stopped for a DUI in PA, am I required to Take the Hand-held Breath Test? A lot of people get into trouble simply for not knowing their rights when stopped for a PA DUI. Police know this and try to intimidate people into obeying their orders and in the process forgo the…
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Pennsylvania DUI Law Review: ARD
Pennsylvania DUI Law Review: Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD) There are a number of options available to a person accused of a DUI in PA. One of the goals of this blog is to educate the public about their rights and the pertinent legal options under Pennsylvania DUI law. If you are charged with a DUI…
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Increasing Penalties for DUI in PA
Many states around the country are pushing for tougher DUI laws in the upcoming legislative session. There have been debates about this in the Pennsylvania legislator as well. Many times passing tougher penalties for criminal offenses is easy for lawmakers because many voters support stricter consequences for criminal offenses. This stems from the incorrect belief…
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Dear PA DUI Attorney: Roadside DUI Tests
Should I Perform the Roadside DUI Tests? Dear PA DUI Attorney, A friend of mine was pulled over for a DUI in Shippensburg, Cumberland County PA and asked to do the roadside tests like standing on one leg, walking a straight line and following the officer’s finger with his eyes. Every day of the week,…
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What to Do if You’re pulled over for DUI in PA
If you are a motorist in PA, this may be the most important blog post you’ll ever read. With the holidays approaching, Pennsylvania State and local police are busy planning out more DUI roadblocks and DUI focused patrols. You will likely be stopped as well. OK. Here’s the truth that no one will tell you…
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Dear PA DUI Attorney: Insurance Loss Because of DUI
Pennsylvania DUI: Will I lose my insurance? Dear PA DUI Attorney, I am already paying a high insurance premium because of a couple speeding violations and an accident. I was recently charged with a DUI in York County. Will I lose my insurance? This is one of the reasons you should seek out a qualified…
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Dear PA DUI Attorney: Can You Land a DUI for Synthetic Marijuana?
Every Friday we take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about PA DUI laws and related topics. Today: Dear Justin, Someone was talking about K2 and Spice, a “synthetic marijuana”, and said…
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PA Drivers Beware of DUI Checkpoints this Weekend
Pennsylvania Police to ramp up “DUI enforcement” this Holiday Weekend This holiday weekend Pennsylvania state and municipal police will conduct an increased number of DUI checkpoints and roving patrols. Here is an update from a local newspaper: Police plan DUI enforcement for Thanksgiving weekend York, PA – Two sobriety checkpoints are planned for York County…
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