Police will be conducting a DUI checkpoint on the night of July 6th from 9:30 p.m. – 2 a.m in Willow Grove along Route 611 (Old York Road) near Abington Hospital. As always we encourage all drivers to make responsible decisions. If you would like to stay up-to-date on DUI Checkpoints in PA, subscribe to our…
read more »Category: Pennsylvania DUI Laws
Pennsylvania DUI laws are very complex and it is important to know which laws are relevant to your case.
In this category you will find various posts which discuss various PA DUI laws in detail. This includes posts on:
Underage DUI Laws
Synthetic Marijuana Laws
DUI Prescription Drugs
DUI for PA School Teachers
These posts are for information only and are not meant to replace professional legal counsel. If you are charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania, please call 1-866-MCSHANE to have your case reviewed by an experienced PA DUI attorney.

Independence Day DUI Checkpoints
With Independence Day falling in the middle of the week, many people will be enjoying festivities starting this weekend. Pennsylvania State and local police have planned accordingly and will be conducting DUI patrols and DUI checkpoints (actually they are DUI roadblocks) all across Pennsylvania. It’s ironic and sad that while we celebrate our independence from…
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DUI Myth Busters: I’ll Get Off Easy
In my time defending DUI cases in Pennsylvania, one of the most common misconceptions I come across is when people believe just because they have a perfect criminal record they will get off easy on a first time DUI. They think that ARD is a viable option to them until it is explained to them….
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New Changes to Pennsylvania DUI Law
A new law has passed the in the Pennsylvania State Senate which has increase d the penalties for a DUI conviction. These new penalties apply to those DUI cases where a passenger is a minor (under the age of 18). These penalties are in addition to any existing penalties (see Pennsylvania DUI laws and penalties…
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Pennsylvania DUI Law Review: Repeat Offenses
Under Pennsylvania’s DUI code, repeat offenders are subject to extremely harsh punishments. Some of the penalties for a repeat conviction may include: Mandatory Jail time up to 5 years Fines up to $10,000 License suspension up to 18 months (served after the prison sentence) Mandatory ignition interlock As you can see, these are crippling penalties…
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DUI Prescription Drug Help
One trend I that have noticed here in Pennsylvania is an increase in drug related DUI arrests and in particular arrest related to prescription drugs. We have discussed DUI prescription drugs before in our post: DUI Arrests Purposely Targeting Innocent People. DUI drug cases are complex because there are many different types of drugs that…
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Is it Legal to Play Angry Birds while Driving?
This month a new law banning driving while texting went into effect across Pennsylvania. This problems has grown quickly over the past couple years but our lawmakers seem out-of-sync with reality. So much so that under the new law, you are allowed to play angry birds while driving.
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Pennsylvania Men Arrested for Bath Salts, Synthetic Marijuana
Recent news that four Lancaster County men have been arrest for charges related to synthetic marijuana and bath salts once again highlight the use of these drugs and their popularity in Pennsylvania. Despite the statewide ban on these drugs, it is very common to find people using these substances. Both the DEA and the Commonwealth…
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Court Rules that DRE Protocol is Inadmissible as Evidence
Recently, a Circuit Court in Maryland rule that the DRE protocol was inadmissible as evidence because “…it is not generally accepted as valid and reliable in the relevant scientific community…”. The DRE protocol is a twelve step procedure police use to try to determine whether someone is impaired by drugs. This procedure is used all over…
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DUI Arrests Purposely Targeting Innocent People
You may be surprised to learn that some DUI laws in Pennsylvania specifically target innocent people. Yes, even if you haven’t had a sip of alcohol or abused any illicit drugs, you can still be arrested for DUI and charged with a DUI equivalent to those with “Highest Rate” blood alcohol levels. Even for a…
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