This weekend as Americans celebrate our independence and liberty, Pennsylvania State Police is planning on infringing on your rights through DUI checkpoints. While the constitution protects us from unreasonable search and seizure, DUI checkpoints violate those rights who many people gave their lives for. This holiday weekend, police will be setting up DUI checkpoints on…
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Pennsylvania DUI laws are very complex and it is important to know which laws are relevant to your case.
In this category you will find various posts which discuss various PA DUI laws in detail. This includes posts on:
Underage DUI Laws
Synthetic Marijuana Laws
DUI Prescription Drugs
DUI for PA School Teachers
These posts are for information only and are not meant to replace professional legal counsel. If you are charged with a DUI in Pennsylvania, please call 1-866-MCSHANE to have your case reviewed by an experienced PA DUI attorney.

Pennsylvania Bans Bath Salts and Synthetic Marijuana
The Pennsylvania State Senate has moved to ban bath salts and synthetic marijuana. The bill now awaits Gov. Corbett’s signature to be passed into law. Under the proposed bill, bath salts and synthetic drugs like Spice and K2 will be banned and classified as “Schedule 1” drugs. Penalties for Bath Salts and Synthetic Marijuana Unless…
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Late to School, Lose Your PA Driving License
Pennsylvania bill would take driver’s license away from truant teens It’s really sad to see lawmakers try to take the easy way out on important issues in society. Here in Pennsylvania, one proposed bill would strip truant teens of their driving license: Pennsylvania bill would take driver’s license away from truant teens Would taking a…
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PA DUI Conviction Stops Man From Entering Canada
Recently a Pennsylvania man was denied entry into Canada because of his past DUI conviction: It was supposed to be a father-and-son road trip to Alaska. But it ended at the Canadian border – with the father crying and his 18-year-old son driving alone to Fairbanks, where he was stationed with the U.S. Air Force….
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When a PA DUI Becomes a Federal Case
Summer vacations are just around the corner visit some of the many National Parks or National Forests in Pennsylvania, such as Gettysburg or on federal installations such as Fort Indiantown Gap. And just as is the case every summer, the incidence of DUI arrests on federal lands increases dramatically. What many people do not know…
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An Alternative to Tougher DUI Laws
Legislators are pushing for tougher DUI laws in PA without measuring the effectiveness of these laws and without exploring alternatives. Every year, DUI laws get tougher and tougher but people are still taking to the roads while intoxicated proving that these tougher DUI laws are not an effective deterrent. This is why we need to…
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Bath Salt Laws in PA
It seems that there are new ways to get high popping up everyday. From synthetic marijuana to household cleaners and chemicals, people are finding new and sometimes dangerous ways to get high. It seems that using bath salts as a drug is also gaining popularity. Recently, a woman in Oklahoma was arrested for allegedly selling…
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PA DUI Drugs Update: K2 Banned by DEA
The United States Department of Justice has banned Five Synthetic Cannabinoids including JWH-018 the main ingredient in K2 and Spice. You can expect that Pennsylvania will also ban these substances and attach very severe penalties to them as well. Once they do this, driving under the influence of these substances will also result in a…
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Pulled Over for Weaving Inside a Lane
Dear PA DUI Attorney, I was recently pulled over for a DUI after cops saw me weaving. What is your take on this? One of the most common pre-arrest signs police officers cite in DUI cases is “the suspect was weaving.” There are two types of weaving, weaving between the lane markers and weaving across…
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Tougher Penalties for repeat Pennsylvania drunk drivers
A lot of politics surround the issue of DUI in PA. There are many powerful lobbies like MADD and the Pennsylvania DUI Association that are pushing for harsher penalties for DUI and have even proposed some legislation that, in essence, assumes that a suspect is guilty before they have had a chance in court. I…
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