Recently, I was elected as a Sustaining Member to the National College for DUI Defense. Sustaining membership is awarded after a through peer review process and only to those who have shown a commitment to DUI defense. From the NCDD site: In furtherance of its mission and purposes, the College has established a “Sustaining Member”…
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New Publication by Attorney McShane
One of the things I really love to do is share my research and knowledge with other lawyers to help them defend their clients. The defense of justice shouldn’t be limited to just Pennsylvania. Part of this commitment is authoring works on complex legal and scientific subjects. Recently a new publication was released: Defending DUI…
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Attorney McShane Published in “The Champion” Magazine
The recent Supreme Court Ruling in Bullcoming v. New Mexico has a significant impact on DUI cases. The ruling established “The Particular Witness Rule” which mandates that the forensic analyst who performed the actual test must be available in court and cannot be substituted by an supervisor or other expert. Recently, “The Champion” Magazine, the…
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Video: TCDLA Honors Attorney McShane
Your Pennsylvania DUI Attorney Justin McShane has been very busy defending motorists in PA and also training lawyers around the country in the scientific aspects of DUI cases. In the past few years, Attorney McShane has been invited to lecture numerous times at seminars sponsored by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (TCDLA). In recognition…
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PA DUI Attorney Published Once Again
It is with great pride that I announce my latest published work. I co-authored 2 chapters in the authoritative work: Understanding DUI Scientific Evidence, 2011 ed: Leading Lawyers and Scientists on Recent Developments in Forensic Science, Understanding Chemical and Field Sobriety Testing Procedures and Analyzing the Validity of Test Results. The two chapters I worked…
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Attorney McShane Voted Forensic Co-Chair by ACS
Pennsylvania DUI Attorney Justin McShane and Oklahoma DUI attorney Josh Lee were recently appointed as the Forensic Co-Chairs of the American Chemical Society Chemistry and the Law Division in a unanimous vote by the Executive Committee. This is an exceptional honor and a testament to the scientific work of both of these outstanding attorneys. With…
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PA DUI Attorney Honored by TCDLA
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin McShane has always been known across the legal fraternity as someone willing to teach and help other lawyers become better. He has an extensive speaking resume and has lectured at some of the most advanced DUI seminars in the nation. Recently, Attorney McShane was honored for his services by the Texas…
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Challenging DUI Blood Evidence Part 2: How Blood is Tested
In our on-going series on DUI blood testing, we aim to educate our readers to help them understand the evidence collected against them. Today we examine How Blood is Tested for DUI Cases. When it comes to blood testing for DUI cases they come in two types and then sub-types. The first category depends upon…
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PA DUI Attorney Selected as a Rising Star by Super Lawyers Magazine
PA DUI Attorney Justin McShane was recently selected as a 2011 Super Lawyer Rising Stars in Criminal Defense: DUI for Pennsylvania. Super Lawyers is a respected publication and selects the very best attorneys in the country for these prestigious awards. They use a very thorough selection process based on peer ratings and those lawyers with…
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Attorney McShane Co-writes Amicus in Supreme Court Win
The Supreme Court Announces its Decision in Bullcoming v. New Mexico in Favor of the Petitioner The Supreme Court of the United States has reversed the decision in the case of Bullcoming v. New Mexico siding with the argument that the prosecution using a surrogate forensic analyst who was not involved in the actual testing…
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