The National College for DUI Defense (NCDD) sponsors the most intensive and advanced DUI training seminars an attorney can attend. Not only do the Pennsylvania DUI attorneys at The McShane Firm regularly attend these seminars, I have been invited to present my research at the 2012 NCDD Winter Session to be held in Orlando from Jan. 19-20, 2012. My presentation is entitled “Why there is no Science in Evidentiary Breath Testing”.

Briefly, DUI breath testing as it is used today was developed in the 1950’s and has remained largely unchanged since tat time regardless of the fact that science has completely evolved. DUI breath testing machines use an indirect method to produce a result and this method is not specific to ethanol. Many other substances, even some that are naturally produced in our bodies, can confuse the machine into producing erroneous readings even in people that are completely sober. On top of this, the software that these machines use have never been scientifically validated and there is an absence of oversight when it comes to making sure the machines are checked for its calibration properly. When all of this is taken into account, it is clear that thousands of people are being tested daily on inaccurate and unvalidated technology. DUI breath testing is a complete crap shoot.
Once again, it is a tremendous honor to be selected to speak at such a prestigious event which once again shows the recognition my work has received in the broader legal community.