It seems that there are new ways to get high popping up everyday. From synthetic marijuana to household cleaners and chemicals, people are finding new and sometimes dangerous ways to get high. It seems that using bath salts as a drug is also gaining popularity. Recently, a woman in Oklahoma was arrested for allegedly selling bath salts even though they have not been outlawed there. Already three states have outlawed the sale of these bath salts and many more are trying to make them illegal.

As I pointed out in last week’s post, just because something isn’t illegal doesn’t mean you can’t get arrested for it. In addition, you can expect bath salts to become illegal in Pennsylvania soon which means sale and possession will result in a major criminal charge and driving after using bath salts will be treated as a PA DUI drugs or DUID charge. State Rep. Jerry Stern, has authored a bill that would add Methylone, MDPV and Mephedrone, the chemicals used in bath salts, to the Schedule I list of controlled substances. This means possession of even a small amount could results in jail.
Already bath salts have been link to a rampage by Northeast Pennsylvania couple, landing them in jail, and costing them custody of their 5-year-old daughter, after police said they nearly stabbed their daughter while hallucinating and believing that they were trying to kill the 90 people they said were living in the walls of their apartment. Police in Scranton charged a man with breaking into a monastery residence and attacking a priest with a knife after allegedly using bath salts to get high.
While the effects of bath salts have not been proven scientifically and there is not a lot of research into the pharmacodynamic effect, you can still expect lawmakers to cite these anecdotal incidents such as the above as evidence enough to ban the substances. If you are charged with a crime related to bath salts or a DUI drugs violation in PA, please call 1-866-MCSHANE.
Kathleen Jeffrey says:
Why is the pa legislature so slow in making these illegal??? People and families are being destroyed now. My husband has been using them and has spent all our money on them and I have to go to food banks to feed my 3 kids. My son was so distraught over his fathers strange actions, he attempted to injure hisself! These people at “Bad Boys Toys” claim they are running a “legitament business” What a joke!!! After the episode this week, my 14yr. old son left a message on “bad boys” phone saying he wished the place would burn down and wished the drug dealers would die. The owner of the legit business said he’d call the police on my son! My son wanted to kill himself from all the stress these “Bath Salts” have caused thi family. Dear God, When will they wake up and get it illegal and these drug dens seized?? Thank You- Mrs. Kathleen Jeffrey
Justin McShane says:
The banning of any drug is a multi-faceted project. There are two main traditional means of doing so. First is the Federal Government such as the DEA or FDA. Second is the various state’s equivalent. A “new” way that is emerging and is of dubious legality is to have local District Attorney’s apply for an injunction in court. This last method has yet to be challenged in court. If I had to guess why it is “taking so long” is that unlike synthetic cannabinoids (K2, Spice, the JWH compounds), these bath salts have a legitimate use independent of the misuse that some people engage in. In such circumstances, the method and means of banning these types of dual use substances is much more complex.