During this unprecedented time, the Coronavirus will have a major negative impact on the American citizen and the economy. As a result, this will lead to loss of jobs and a tougher job market for those seeking new employment. A DUI conviction could make holding onto your current job more difficult. It could also be the deciding factor between you and another candidate if you were looking for a promotion or career change. Having a criminal record will have a more severe impact than ever because of the Coronavirus’s indirect and direct effects on American society and the job market.
You may be currently experiencing the negative impacts of this pandemic on your job or career. If not, then you more than likely have seen in the news that unemployment is sky rocketing, that the job market is slowly crashing down, or you may know someone who is temporarily laid off of work. These hard-working Americans have nothing but time to sit and ponder as to what their future now looks like, if they will have a job when this pandemic is over, and how they will provide for their family.
Now take the above scenario that millions of people are currently facing and add in a DUI conviction. A DUI conviction is detrimental to your future employment, even in the best of times and the best economy. Add in the Coronavirus pandemic and you have a recipe for disaster. The impact of a DUI conviction will have an everlasting effect on securing a job during this rough patch, and securing your own job when things begin to go back to normal. Don’t let one mistake ruin your life and your career.
The Coronavirus pandemic will not make your DUI go away. Waiting to hire an attorney could wash away great opportunities that would have been otherwise available. It is important to hire an attorney as soon as possible so we can begin immediately fighting for you. Hiring an aggressive experienced attorney could make the difference of whether or not you are still employed. At the McShane Firm, all of our attorneys and legal staff have extensive training, experience, and knowledge. We are open. We are here to help you through this difficult time, and we will not stop fighting until your case has been fully resolved.