Despite being a lawyer, I still strive to be a human being. 😉
But seriously, I take cases personally. I personalize them because they aren’t just cases or case file numbers. These are real life human beings with dreams, hopes, struggles, and most important families.
People often ask “How can you defend drunk drivers?” and “How can you defend people who are charged with <enter the crime>?”
I’d like to share with you an event in my life that really sinks home the how and the why for me.
My five year old daughter is in preschool. She had a simple assignment one day: find out and report back tomorrow in school what your parents do for a living. She didn’t tell me or my ex-wife about the assignment because she already knew. She went to school the next day.
When it was her turn to answer what her dad does for a living, she said “he helps keep families together.” The teachers were so struck by it that they called us in near tears to tell us. It struck me too.
And isn’t that true?
Isn’t that what all criminal defense and DUI attorneys do?
We help keep families together. This is why I am proud to be a criminal defense and DUI attorney. If you are one, you should be too. It is an awesome thing to do: keep families together.