Every one needs a break. Even a hardworking Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer needs to lay back every once and a while. Labor Day weekend is a great time to spend time with family and friends, relax and have a grand ol’ time. However, the Pennsylvania State Police is busy at work planning on how to jam roads and treat us all like criminals by setting up our favorite Labor Day Weekend tradition: Pennsylvania DUI Checkpoints.
That’s right folks! Right here in beautiful Pennsylvania, DUI lawyers, doctors, teachers and every common citizen who is absolutely innocent of any crime will be stopped and searched and generally treated like a criminal. All so police can nab those one or two suspects out of hundreds or thousands stopped and hail their success and efficiency. Here is the latest:
Police in Pennsylvania plan DUI crackdown for Labor Day weekend
As part of a national DUI crackdown campaign, sobriety checkpoints will be in effect in Dauphin, Cumberland, York and Adams counties from 6 p.m. Friday to 6 p.m. Monday.
More than 600 Pennsylvania police departments, including the Pennsylvania State Police, will participate in the crackdown, setting up extra DUI checkpoints for the holiday weekend.
Roving DUI patrol cars will also be making their way around Lancaster County during those hours and could also pop up in other counties.
Last year, there were 254 alcohol-related crashes and 8 fatalities in the eight-county District 8 region over Labor Day weekend.
Note: District 8 includes the following Pennsylvania Counties: Perry, Dauphin, Lebanon, Lancaster, Cumberland, Adams, Franklin and York.
I have blogged in the past about how horribly inefficient these DUI checkpoints are and how the DUI statistics PennDOT and other agencies published should be taken with a grain of salt. I have also examined the unscrupulous methods being used by police around Pennsylvania to dance around trounce on our Fourth Amendment Rights.
However, none of this seems to matter to MADD and the other powerful DUI lobbies. They use these checkpoints to score political points while ignoring the real problem which is the lack of DUI training the police actually receive. Why spend the time in effort doing things the right way when they can much more easily violate our rights?
If you find yourself being charged with a DUI, please call 1-866-MCSHANE to talk to one our qualified Pennsylvania DUI Lawyers.