I titled this “Judge Grine sued all of us….. and lost” because when Judge Grine of Center County sued TC Tanski and The McShane Firm, LLC in a purely self-serving attempt to curb public speech and debate over his actions as a public figure, he in reality was attacking us all. All members of the public.

Judge Grine sued all of us….. and lost
Hot off the presses. Here are the orders and the memorandum opinions.
- Grine v CCG et al– opinion of 05072015 (The McShane Firm, LLC and TC Tanski lawsuit defended by Attorneys Richard Roberts and Michael Giarmiata, Jr. of The McShane Firm, LLC)
- KGW– opinion of 05072015 (ably defended by the ACLU and Witold Walczak, and Ronald Barber)
We would be remiss if we did not point to the courage of the Commissioners of Centre County, their very courageous Administrator Timothy Boyde, and our co-defendants Sean McGraw and the Shubin Firm.
Now it is up to Stacy Parks-Miller to do the right thing and dismiss her absolutely atrocious lawsuit against the criminal defense attorneys that she has sued. Certainly there can be no doubt now that there is no good faith basis to proceed on that lawsuit against them.
The public won, the First Amendment is alive and well. Judge Grine lost.
We will be seeking attorney’s fees, costs, and will likely be filing a Dragonetti Act lawsuit or other similar civil claim against Judge Grine. While we respect the institution of judges, judges are at the end human beings. All people, even judges have to follow the law, respect the law, and abide by the law, and when they do not, even judges have to pay the consequences. This particular person’s actions, who happens to be a judge, to try to stifle free speech is completely unAmerican. What exacerbates the issue is that he is a judge and ought to lead by example and actually know the law.
For a background of the Grine et al v. The McShane Firm, et al. lawsuit, I offer the following:
- Justice or an Abortion of Justice? Are some Judges and the Elected DA in Centre County out of Control?
- #SpeakTruthToPowerInCentreCounty hearing is at 9 am April 2, 2015 at the Centre County Courthouse Annex
- Does Bruce Castor’s association with Centre County District Attorney Stacy Parks Miller rightfully raise eyebrows? Is Castor’s acceptance of being appointed as a “Special Deputy District Attorney” call into question his decision-making?
- Ever met a Judge in America who is against Free Speech? We have.
- Freedom of Speech is Freedom to Question Judges