Pennsylvania bill would take driver’s license away from truant teens
It’s really sad to see lawmakers try to take the easy way out on important issues in society. Here in Pennsylvania, one proposed bill would strip truant teens of their driving license:
Pennsylvania bill would take driver’s license away from truant teens
Would taking a driver’s license away from a truant teen get the kid back in school?
Since other ideas have failed to curb class cutting and dropping out, tying truancy to licenses seems worth a try, said Rep. Thomas R. Caltagirone. The Berks County Democrat introduced a bill last month that would do just that.

So instead of doing the the right thing by counseling these kids on the value of a good education and creating educational programs to engage them, politicians are resorting to strong arm tactics that don’t even work.
Studies have found 50 percent of truants return to school after losing their license, Smink said. But within two or three weeks, most of those wander off again. Those with cars just drive illegally.
We as a society face many complex challenges and politicians are offering shortcuts, not solutions. There is a better way.