In my considered and educated opinion, Minnesota has a lot of true cutting edge litigation when it comes to DUI. There are a lot of great attorneys who really champion the cause of the citizen accused and try all they can to push out of court the "junk" science and into Court only validated, true science. One of the premier attorneys in this uphill struggle is Chuck Ramsay. He has a fascinating DUI blog that I regularly read that outlines in a completely transparent manner exactly what he and his colleagues in Minnesota are doing. I would highly recommend subscribing to the RSS feed to it. It is called Minnesota DWI Defense Blog.
Recently he has been writing on Source Code and the honest to goodness struggle that DUI defense practitioners have to go through to be granted access to understanding why the breath machine does what it does. The blog posts read like the modern day version of the Book of Job from the Bible. In the latest update, he writes:
As of October 16th, 98 Private Attorneys have each donated $1,000 to MSCJ’s source code review process. All of this is in addition to the tens of thousands the MSCJ membership has already expended leading the defense bar on this issue and the tens of thousands more it intends to commit as well.
Each and every one of those attorneys are to be commended. I openly wonder what if this great and worthwhile battle had to be waged here in Pennsylvania and if so, would my colleagues be so dedicated?
I know I would be.
Good job to Minnesota.