Police corruption is nothing new. There are new revelations everyday showing how rampant and deep this problem runs. Here is another example that made me sick to my stomach:

Coming clean on ‘dirty DUIs’ in Contra Costa County
A whistle-blower tells how a private detective arranged for men to be arrested for drunk driving at the behest of their ex-wives and their lawyers — and that entrapment using decoys was only one of many alleged misdeeds.
More excerpts:
Dutcher had been duped.
The women who’d ogled him worked for Butler’s detective agency. Sharon, who told Dutcher she was a divorcee employed by an investment firm, actually was a former Las Vegas showgirl.
A man who once worked for Butler had blown the whistle. He told authorities Butler arranged for men to be arrested for drunk driving at the behest of their ex-wives and their divorce lawyers — and that entrapment was only one of many alleged misdeeds.
Butler, 49, a former police officer, was arrested in February. In addition to setting up at least five DUIs, he sold drugs for law enforcement officers and helped them open and operate a brothel, collecting and delivering the profits, according to prosecutors and a statement Butler gave them after his arrest.
DUI arrests for hire? This tears the very fabric of trust between the police and the community. If the police can’t keep themselves clean, how they protect our families and communities? There needs to be a call for independent, transparent oversight to ensure police comply with their code of conduct.
Once again. With police like these, who needs criminals?