I have put a lot of hard work understanding the science involved in DUI cases and this has resulted in me becoming a highly sought after lecturer for advanced DUI seminars. No other DUI attorney in PA has the speaking resume I do. Last month was particularly busy for me as I conducted seven lectures and training sessions in three separate national seminars.
PA DUI Attorney Justin McShane’s Lectures in March 2011
Seminar: The American Chemical Society Spring 2011 National Meeting & Exposition in Anaheim, CA (March 27-31, 2011)
1. Title: False Convictions and Bad Pharmacology: The Danger of the Drug Recognition “Expert” Protocol in Driving Under the Influence of Drug Prosecutions: A call for meaningful validation
The Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) program is the 12 step National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) standardized national curriculum that has been designed, to supposedly detect drug impaired drivers after arrest and before there is an toxicology result. This protocol has not been vigorously tested scientifically nor validated and the principles of DRE are the SFSTs, which themselves were never designed to record or quantify impairment, yet they are being wrongly used to do just that.
2. Title: False Accusation the Issues of Residual Mouth Alcohol, and the Non-specificity and Non-selectivity of Roadside Portable Breath Testing devices that use ElectroChemical-based Detectors
The limitations of commonly used Portable Breath Tests (PBTs) play directly into the contextual bias that exists in DUI enforcement and lead to a large number of false DUI arrests. There are many design flaws that cause PBTs to report erroneously high BAC readings and this is why it is important that we understand these devices thoroughly so innocent people are not arrested for DUI.
Seminar: Ohio Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers 2011 Ohio Advanced DUI Seminar in Columbus, OH (March 10-11, 2011)

3. Title: How does Ohio Dept. of Health (ODH) Science & Police Science Stack Up to Real Science?
A comparison between real empirical based science as opposed to police science. The purpose of this lecture was to help attorneys who are not technically trained learn how to cross-examine technical experts in their field without having to become a master in the particular forensic science that is being offered.
4. Title: Advanced Gas Chromatography
This hour long talk was designed to introduce the attendees to the powerful technique used in forensic blood testing for both EtOH and drugs called Gas Chromatography. An overview of the technique was offered.
5. Title: Blood & Urine Testing Basics
This hour long talk was designed to introduce DUI attorneys to areas where there can be issues in terms of pre-analytical error that can cause an invalid or non-validated BAC result. It also showed how forensically unreliable urine testing is for drugs and EtOH.
6. Title: Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, Integration, and Metrology
This was a five hour small group workshop where all matters of Gas Chromatography were explained including Mass Spectrometry. Also result reporting error such integration and metrology were introduced.
Seminar: Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association Masters of Cross Examination Seminar in Houston, TX (March 3-4, 2011)
7. Title: How to Cross-Examine an Expert (Even if you don’t know what you are talking about)
The purpose of this lecture was to help attorneys who are not technically trained learn how to cross-examine technical experts in their field without having to become a master in the particular forensic science that is being offered.