We previously took a look at numbers 10 through 6 in the list of our top ten DUI articles of 2010. Today we take a look at the very best posts of the last year.
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: The Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer Challenge: Pennsylvania DUI Penalties |
Average every day citizens who I meet all over PA frequently ask me “How can we compare between all the DUI lawyers out there?” To answer that question we started the series: The PA DUI Attorney Challenge. In this series we have proposed a number of criteria the average citizen with no legal background can use to weigh their options.
In this post, we start this series by answering the question: Do I really need the best very best lawyer to defend my Pennsylvania DUI case?” Once you examine the severe legal penalties of a Pennsylvania DUI, the fact that DUI cases are very technical and that DUI requires an expert attorney, you will also arrive at the conclusion that you really need the very best DUI lawyer in PA.
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: DUI Witch Hunting |

I am a criminal defense attorney, not a criminal. However, frequently people look at me with disdain when they find out what I do. They treat me as if am helping people commit crimes. I have never in my life told anyone, “Go ahead and drive drunk. I’ve got you covered.”
Unfortunately, people have disdain for DUI attorneys but really haven’t given thought to what we actually do. The central question in this discussion is “Should a person accused of a DUI be allowed a truthful and honest defense in a court of law?” Considering the high number of false arrests for DUI in PA it would turn into a DUI witch hunt if it wasn’t for us defense attorneys.
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: Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer: CDL Driver DUI |
Pennsylvania CDL truck drivers face the harshest penalties if convicted for a DUI. Not only do they face higher fines and more jail time than an average citizen, they are also in danger of losing their CDL license and hence their livelihood. This post is full of important information for CDL drivers and truly is a must read even if you have not been charged with a PA DUI.
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: What to Do if pulled over for DUI in PA |
One of the best ways of avoiding a false DUI arrest is to know your rights. Being pulled over is a high pressure and scary situation and that is why this post is important so you can make informed decisions if you ever find yourself in an unfortunate situation. By following these simple strategies, you will be exercising your rights while minimizing the potential for being wrongly charged with a PA DUI.
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: The McShane Firm: A Commitment to Excellence in Pennsylvania DUI Defense |
Our top post from 2010 really embodies what this blog and our firm is all about. If you are charged with a Pennsylvania DUI, The McShane Firm promises to do everything it can to offer you the best defense possible. That is why we spend so much time and effort in advanced legal training honing our skills and expanding our knowledge.
- Nobody invests in training like we do
- Nobody understands the science involved in DUI evidence like we do
- Nobody is willing to put in the long hours of work into your case like we do
- Nobody can fight toe-to-toe in a DUI trial like we do
In fact Nobody can defend your DUI case like we do.
We hope you have enjoyed this look back at the past year and would love to hear from you about what topics you would like to know about in the coming year.