This weekend as Americans celebrate our independence and liberty, Pennsylvania State Police is planning on infringing on your rights through DUI checkpoints. While the constitution protects us from unreasonable search and seizure, DUI checkpoints violate those rights who many people gave their lives for.

This holiday weekend, police will be setting up DUI checkpoints on busy roadways all over Pennsylvania. While they claim that these checkpoints one of the best methods to prevent drunk driving, inevitably (due to under-trained over-zealous officers) there will be many innocent people falsely arrested for DUI. Unfortunately, this could be you! Remember our five important tips on how to protect yourself from a false DUI arrest.
In response to the drive by police to increase the number of DUI checkpoints in PA during the holiday weekend, we at The McShane Firm advise you to carefully read our post: What to Do if You’re pulled over for DUI in PA.
Remember, if you are arrested for a DUI in PA, you will be facing very serious criminal penalties. Don’t put your liberty and livelihood in the hands of an inexperienced lawyer. Call 1-866-MCSHANE for a free consultation with the very beat DUI attorneys in Pennsylvania.