A new smartphone app called “Docket in your Pocket” allows users to access Pennsylvania criminal records from their smartphone. The description from their website:

In today’s increasingly loose-knit society, we encounter people we barely know almost daily. Have you ever asked yourself how many of those people – maybe your new roommate, your next blind date, or your child’s babysitter – have criminal records? What’s in their past? Simple parking tickets? A few harmless noise ordinance violations? What about speeding violations? OWI/DUI offenses? Drug charges? Robberies? Assaults? Rape? Murder?
With the new smart phone app – Docket In Your Pocket – the answer to these and other questions can be at your fingertips in a matter of seconds.
Knowledge is power…
This app is useful for singles, parents, students, law enforcement, attorneys and anyone interested in learning about the criminal background of others.
This type of app may cause some complications for those convicted of a crime. For example, I recently had a person contact our offices who had his previous convictions expunged. His criminal record was no longer showing up in the official Pennsylvania online records but was still showing in the “Docket in your Pocket” app. This could cause unnecessary embarrassment if this person was applying for a new job for example and someone searched for their information using this app. This is the problem in that court orders to expunge only extend to court related activities such as the AOPC, webdockets, the MDJ, the police agency, probation and parole, the PSP Master RAP records, and the Clerk of Court at the Court of Common Pleas. Third party vendors like this and ones found on the internet are not expunged by court order.
If you have a Pennsylvania DUI, drug or other criminal conviction and are eligible to have the conviction expunged, please contact The McShane Firm at 1-866-MCSHANE for more information.
Kevin J. Pitts says:
We have the same problem in Florida. The record can be sealed or expunged but a google name search still turns up a mugshot. Guilt or innocence doesn’t make a difference. Try getting a job when a google name search shows your mugshot. Daytona Beach DUI Attorney