State lawmakers in Washington State have proposed a bill that would require DUI ignition interlock devices for those who have had their DUI charges reduced to reckless driving:

Goodman is sponsoring another bill, HB 2443, that would require the use of breath alcohol ignition interlock devices for those originally charged with DUI but convicted of reckless driving.
So basically the State wants to be able to punish someone for DUI without having to prove the case.
Many DUI cases are reduced to reckless driving when the prosecutor feels that they do not have enough evidence to prove the case. In some cases it is a fair compromise to both sides. But this bill would allow prosecutors to take shortcuts and attach DUI penalties to a non-DUI offenses and therefore gain the benefit of the ultimate penalty. This is completely unfair and a flagrant violation of any notion of fair dealing. If the government cannot prove that the defendant was DUI, then how can they mete out DUI penalties?
Just goes to show: innocent unless proven guilty does not apply to DUI.