What is a SCRAM bracelet?
SCRAM stands for Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor. It is an alcohol motioning device which subjects must wear around their ankle to provide continuous monitoring. These devices are usually ordered for repeat DUI offenders in PA but may also be ordered for other criminal defendants when the court believes that alcohol consumption must be prohibited.
How do SCRAM bracelets work?
When someone consumes alcohol, it is absorbed by the body and is present in many bodily fluids including sweat. If alcohol is detected in your sweat, the device will send a violation signal to the linked monitoring center which will inform law enforcement agencies.
The device will also send a violation signal if it has been tampered with. Some common examples of tampering are:
- Submerging the device in water
- Having an article of clothing come between the device and the skin
- Loosening the device so that it is no longer in contact with the skin
Who pays for a SCRAM device?
When someone is ordered to use a SCRAM bracelet, they are normally responsible for the costs involved. This can come out to several hundred dollars per month.
Can I get this thing off of me?
If you have been ordered to use a SCRAM device, you really should have a lawyer. There are many things which could falsely trigger a violation which can get you into all sorts of trouble. At The McShane Firm, we know the science behind these devices and can fight to protect you. We also offer a free SCRAM review to see if there is any way we can get this device off of you. Please call 1-866-MCSHANE now for more details.
Panighetti Law says:
Great article on SCRAM bracelets. I wrote a similar one here: https://www.panighettilaw.com/blog/will-dui-require-scram-bracelet/