If you were one of the many Pennsylvania drivers who were arrested for DUI over the holidays, then this is probably a very confusing time for you. The fact of the matter is, many people arrested for DUI have no previous criminal history and this is their first experience with the criminal justice system. As experienced Pennsylvania DUI Lawyers, we advise you to find the very best legal representation you can hire to ensure your rights are protected. DUI is not a minor offense. If convicted you will face stiff punishments and this conviction will remain on your permanent criminal history for FOREVER.

The time is act is now. Do your research and find the most experienced lawyers you can find. The best DUI lawyer for you should have real courtroom DUI experience. The best DUI lawyer for you should routinely be taking DUI cases to trial and fighting them. The best DUI lawyer for you should be one who is well-respected by his or her peers with public endorsements and multiple invitations to speak across the nation. The best DUI lawyer for you should be one who has many different testimonials from former satisfied clients. If you find an attorney who does not regularly take DUI cases to trial, does not have the public respect of his or her peers, does not have a ready list of satisfied former clients or does not speak nationally to other lawyers, scientists, judges and policy-makers, then you are best served looking elsewhere because it is clear that this attorney is not interested in becoming the best, is not the best and is not routinely utilizing all the legal options available for the good of their clients.
At The McShane Firm we are committed to excellence in DUI defense. We guide ourselves by three core values:
Knowledge: We attend intensive DUI training seminars that focus on the laws and science in DUI cases. No attorney in Pennsylvania has a training resume that can match ours.
Experience: We take DUI cases to trial on a regular basis. No law firm in Pennsylvania takes as many DUI cases to trial as the attorneys at The McShane Firm. We have fought DUI homicide, DUI death, Homicide by Vehicle while DUI, Aggravated Assault by Vehicle While DUI, DUI accident, DUI drug, DUI-CDL, DUI underage and frankly every type of DUI case you can imagine.
Dedication: We are ready to use every legal avenue to defend your rights. We are not a plea mill and we limit the number of cases that we take in a year and handle at any one time to make sure that we have the time and the ability to fight for you. We have an experienced a dedicated support team, a full-time private investigator and a dedicated DUI appeals team and we are ready to use all these resources to fight for you.
If you want to protect your liberty and defend your rights- call 1-866-MCSHANE for a free, detailed case evaluation.