Forensics, in the form of both blood and breath testing, is a big part of a DUI case. This is why I have dedicated myself to the study of forensic science so I can offer the best defense for my clients. You have to know the science to hold the scientists accountable. In my studies…
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PA DUI Attorney Challenge: Scientific Associations
A major part of understanding and litigating DUI cases is in forensic science. The major piece of evidence in many of the Pennsylvania DUI cases I defend are DUI blood tests. The result of these blood tests is a BAC number and the process is supposed to be scientific. That is why I have devoted…
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PA DUI Attorney Named Fellow with the AIC
PA DUI Attorney Named Fellow with the American Institute of Chemists A large part of defending DUI cases lies in examining the blood test and breath test evidence. To effectively do this, a DUI lawyer needs to have a strong understanding of the analytical processes involved in conducting these tests. That is why I have invested…
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