In my years of defending DUI cases in Pennsylvania, one of the most common misconceptions I come across is people questioning why I support DUI. The fact of the matter is, I don’t support drunk driving. It is dangerous and many lives are needlessly lost because of DUI each year. Asking a DUI defense attorney…
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Pennsylvania DUI: You can’t afford it
At PA DUI Blog we have detailed the numerous criminal and financial penalties of a DUI conviction in Pennsylvania and the honest truth is, a DUI conviction is horribly costly and will cost you for the rest of your life. When you factor in the fines, increased insurance premiums, time lost at work and possible…
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The 4th of July to A DUI Lawyer: What would the Founding Fathers think?
Happy 4th of July! A report card from our Founding Fathers I had a thought last night and I gather a lot of my DUI defense lawyer brethren and sistren might think the same. What would the Founding Fathers think of us now? If they could see us and look at our judicial institutions and…
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Kombucha Tea and Non-Alcoholic Drinks DUI
Can You be Charged with a DUI for Drinking Non-Alcoholic Drinks like Kombucha Tea? Non-alcoholic drinks are classified as those drinks that have an alcohol content of .5%. There have been some reports that show that the alcohol level in Kombucha tea can be sometimes higher. Drinks like Kombucha tea and non-alcoholic malts can potentially…
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DUI Cases in Philadelphia to be Re-tried Due to Bad Breathalyzer
[Blogger’s note and update 3/23/2011: We have been up-to-date on this developing story. The issue as far as we see it is going to effect literally thousands of convictions. The “issue” goes back to the switch over to the Intoxilyzer 8000 which occurred in September 2009.] When I tell people that I am a PA…
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What to Do if You’re pulled over for DUI in PA
If you are a motorist in PA, this may be the most important blog post you’ll ever read. With the holidays approaching, Pennsylvania State and local police are busy planning out more DUI roadblocks and DUI focused patrols. You will likely be stopped as well. OK. Here’s the truth that no one will tell you…
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Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer: What are Interlock Devices?
Every Friday we take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about Pennsylvania DUI laws and related topics. Today: Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer, What is an Ignition Interlock Device is and do…
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Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer: The Cop Took My License
Every Friday we take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about Pennsylvania DUI laws and related topics. Today: Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer, The cops charged me for DUI and took my…
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PA DUI Mailbag: Why do you use Expert Witnesses
Every Friday we will take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so that we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information. Today: I consulted with one of the lawyers in your firm and he recommended that we call in an expert…
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PA DUI Mailbag: How long does a DUI conviction stay on my record?
Every Friday we will take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so that we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information. Today: I am facing DUI charges in York County, Pennsylvania. If I am convicted, how long with this stay…
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