Every Friday we will take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so that we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information. Today: I am facing DUI charges in York County, Pennsylvania. If I am convicted, how long with this stay…
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Media Bias When Covering Pennsylvania DUI
I have often lamented that DUI is one of the most politically charged crimes in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. There are a number of lobbies like MADD and the PA DUI Association that exert inordinate amounts of pressure on politicians to enact stricter Pennsylvania DUI Laws. In my opinion, as Pennsylvania’s first and only national Board…
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DUI Penalties in Foreign Countries
A DUI lawyer in Delaware recently posted a blog about the differences in penalties for a DUI here in the US and other countries: The U.S. penalties for DUI are nothing compared to these countries. Do we need change? In Australia, the names of intoxicated drivers are sent to the local paper and are printed under the…
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DUI Mailbag: I Just Blew a .18. What’s the use of Fighting This?
Every Friday we will take a look at some of the most commonly asked DUI questions so that we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information. Today: I Just Blew a 0.18. What’s the use of Fighting This? There are three main reasons why I would advise,…
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Pennsylvania DL-13 INITIAL REPORTING FORM: How an ER phsyician has more power than a Police Officer
Under Pennsylvania Law, your driving license can be suspended without a hearing In Pennsylvania a police officer or Trooper cannot administratively suspend your driver’s license right on the spot for an allegation of a DUI no matter how high your BAC is. The same holds true for a District Attorney. All license suspensions in the…
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Pennsylvania DUI hypocrisy-BAC worse than being impaired
I just got off the phone with someone from Harrisburg who was accused of a Harrisburg DUI. They were wondering why they were charged with two counts of DUI. It is a question I get a lot. There are two theories of criminal liability that the Government can advance under when they charge someone with…
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Drive your car allegedly drunk, lose your family’s car—Amazing!
Can you imagine? You get accused of a DUI and then as a consequence on top of everything else, you forfeit your family’s car? Your friend loans you his or her car, you get stopped and arrested for a DUI and your friend loses his or her car? What sort of bizzaro world is this?…
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The Emotional Effects of a DUI
It must feel like the world has fallen on you. What are my friends going to think? Will it be in the newspaper? Will I lose my job? What about my license? Will I go to jail? If you are asking yourself this, take a deep breathe. You, are in fact, normal. Just as there…
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