DUI laws are highly politically motivated. If they were motivated by lawmakers who cared about our families, you would see similar legislation for driving while texting and for falling asleep at the wheel. Both of those are just as dangerous as DUI but don’t have powerful lobbies backing new laws. I use that as a…
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Cops get awards for DUI arrests
We often see headlines like these: Pa. DUI Association honoring police for DUI enforcement but seldom do we think about some of the negatives that these types of awards produce. DUI lobbies like these awards police officers all over the country for making a high number of DUI arrests. This in turn creates a competition…
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PA senate votes to ignore the presumption of innocence
When is a person guilty of a crime? When they are charged by a police officer, or when they are convicted beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law after due process? We all would like to believe the latter is true. Unfortunately that is not always the case. Pa. Senate votes to close…
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MADD is “M” is for Money
MADD is a lobby. A very powerful and highly funded lobby. They want to make money and use “drunk driving” as the emotional rally call to get more money. In another clear example of this, MADD has come out with a line of Virgin Drinks. MADD… the “M” is for money. xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển…
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Man Blows .00 and Still Gets Arrested
One of the things that I have tried to show in this blog over the years is the FACT that not everyone who is accused of a DUI is guilty. Many good people are arrested everyday across the country and falsely charged. That is because police do not need any real evidence to arrest you….
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Unconstitutional DUI Penalties
In a misguided rush to prevent DUI, legislators across the country have enacted numerous types of DUI penalties. Some of these penalties go into effect after a charge- without giving the suspect their day in court. Recently, one such measure was ruled unconstitutional by a judge in Montana. Judge strikes down Montana 24/7 Sobriety Program…
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Tougher Penalties for DUI are not the Answer
DUI is a problem. A problem that puts our families in danger. I see a lot of people write comments and editorials who, in there concern for reducing the number of DUIs, try to remedy the problem though tougher penalties. Unfortunately, this fails to take into account the reasons behind why people drive drunk. A…
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Jury Lambasted for Disagreeing with the Judge
So what happens when a jury hears the evidence in a trial and makes a unanimous opinion to issue a verdict that may be bold and unpopular? Shouldn’t they be commended for taking a stand for what they felt was right? Well that wasn’t the case recently in Tarrant County, Texas. In a DWI trial…
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Big Brother is Watching Your Medicine Cabinet
After the whole NSA uproar you would think that lawmakers would tread softly when it comes to creating databases about law abiding citizens. Well think again. Recently, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed a bill that would create a statewide database to monitor the prescription drugs common citizens are using. They claim that this database…
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Money is Important, but Justice is Priceless.
The following was an editorial that was printed on the front page of The Paxton Herald. Money is Important, but Justice is Priceless. By Justin J. McShane, JD, F-AIC I dream of a time when there are no drunk drivers on the road. Drunk driving costs lives and ruins families. It is…
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