This month a new law banning driving while texting went into effect across Pennsylvania. This problems has grown quickly over the past couple years but our lawmakers seem out-of-sync with reality. So much so that under the new law, you are allowed to play angry birds while driving.
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Judge Coaches Prosecutor in DUI Case
Judges are supposed to be neutral, detached and wholly impartial. Sometimes, they are not: Former Mount Laurel judge reprimanded by N.J. Supreme Court A former Mount Laurel municipal judge, who still presides over courts in Delanco and Palmyra, was reprimanded Friday by the New Jersey Supreme Court for being partial to the state in a…
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Bill Seeks to Make Interlock Mandatory for all DUI Offenders
Slowly but surely, DUI lobbies are pushing for laws that will curtail the rights of all citizens. It is well known that it is part of MADD’s agenda to make interlock devices mandatory standard equipment on all vehicles. In most states, including Pennsylvania, ignition interlock devices are mandatory only for repeat DUI offenders. A bill…
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Prisons for Profit- Looking to Grow by Acquiring New “Customers”
We have touched on the issue of policing for a profit before: DUI Policing for Profit Explained. This concept is growing further in its reach and more dangerous in its effects. The issue is spreading because politicians and lawmakers don’t seem to have a problem with it and many actually benefit from it. Now even…
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Distracted Driving Increasing Despite Bans
Recent survey by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) showed that driving while using a cellphone has increased over the past year despite the fact that this has been banned by a large number of states. How widespread is this problem? According to reports about distracted driving, 18% of people surveyed by NHTSA admitted…
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Pennsylvania DUI Checkpoints: Are They Really Worth It?
While most of us will be enjoying the next few weeks as part of the holiday season, police all across Pennsylvania are gearing up for the DUI Checkpoint season. As a part of their DUI enforcement efforts, PENNDOT, Pennsylvania State Police and local police from all across the Commonwealth will be setting up more and…
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Pennsylvania Driving while Texting Ban Highlights DUI Hypocrisy
Pennsylvania driving while texting penalties underscore the political nature of criminal penalties in PA. Under the new measure, drivers found guilty of driving while texting (DWT) would face a $50 fine. Compare this to the penalties for DUI and you will notice a huge discrepancy. Pa. Senate Approves Texting While Driving Ban Governor Expected To…
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Policing for a Profit Comes to a Pennsylvania Town Near You
One of the most blatant examples of “Policing for a Profit” are red-light cameras, so much so that when lawmakers discuss the benefits of installing them, the whole discussion focuses on revenue and not safety: State sees green in red-light cameras Six years ago, Philadelphia began using cameras at red lights to ticket dangerous drivers….
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Court ordered to support a failing charity that is politically active? That’s DUI for you
Do you think it is proper for a court to order anyone to support a failing charity that is politically active that uses its political might to fund itself? Well, that is what happens whenever you plead guilty or are found guilty of a DUI in every state. The Judge imposes fees, fines and costs…
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Apple Agrees to Remove DUI Checkpoint Apps
Apple has agreed to remove apps that alert people to the location of DUI checkpoints. As we have written before, a group of four senators wrote letters to Apple, RIM and Google requesting the censorship of apps that can be used to alert users about DUI checkpoints. RIM removed two popular apps previously and Apple’s…
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