In Pennsylvania, Implied Consent means that you agree to submit to a chemical test if you are ever asked to do so by a police officer. When you go to renew your driving license, it is one of the forms you will have to sign. It is known by a couple of different names: the…
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The Fourth of July and DUI
Aside from burgers and fireworks, the Fourth of July is a time to reflect on how fortunate we are to be free and have rights. Freedom of Speech. The Right to Bear Arms. Protection from unreasonable search and seizure. (Does not apply to Texas DUI suspects.) Right to a Trial by Jury. The Presumption of…
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Congressional Bill calls for alcohol detectors in vehicles
The Government wants to install alcohol detectors in cars, but is that a good idea? Schumer calls for alcohol detectors in vehicles WASHINGTON — Sen. Charles E. Schumer said Thursday he’ll push for legislation to boost alcohol-detection technology in cars, which he said could greatly reduce drunk driving — especially for repeat offenders. Basically the…
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