Introduction Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs) are widely used by law enforcement to determine if a driver is impaired due to alcohol or drugs. These tests are designed to evaluate a person’s physical and cognitive abilities, which can be negatively affected by intoxication. However, SFSTs are not foolproof and may lead to false positives. One…
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The Cops Themselves Can’t Perform the Field Sobriety Tests
The Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFST), are one of the major tools officers use to determine whether or not they should arrest the driver for DUI. The problem is, they are really a poor indicator of impairment and lead the police to make false assumption, false arrests, false conclusions and false accusations. Here is a…
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Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer: Roadside Tests
Every Friday we take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about Pennsylvania DUI laws and related topics. Today: Dear Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer, I was pulled over in Berks County and the…
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