Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture "Defending DUI Drug Cases" in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 4: "Dosage and Drug Response," expert DUI Attorney McShane explains the important roles of both the drug response curve and chronic dose sample error in successfully defending DUI-D cases. The McShane Firm is…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 3 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture "Defending DUI Drug Cases" in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 3: "Pharmacology," expert DUI Attorney McShane explains the differences, both in testing procedure and impairment determination, between DUI Alcohol and DUI Drug cases. The McShane Firm is the premier DUI/DWI law firm in…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 2 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture "Defending DUI Drug Cases" in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 2: "Drug Identification and Quantification," expert DUI Attorney McShane details the difference between impaired and metabolite states, and explains why "the numbers by themselves are meaningless or junk." The McShane Firm is the…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 1 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture "Defending DUI Drug Cases" in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In this introduction, expert DUI Attorney McShane presents an overview of how DUI lawyers can use forensic science to successfully defend clients accused of DUI-D cases. The McShane Firm is the premier DUI/DWI law firm…
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What’s more important Sports or Courts?
Olympic doping lab world’s most sophisticated A dope-testing lab considered the most sophisticated in the world is up and running for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. I read this article the other day and it got me thinking: What’s more important making sure a cheater doesn’t win a race or making sure an innocent…
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Why saying the sample was run on a gas chromatograph is nearly meaningless
Saying the sampling was done on a Gas Chromatograph is like saying that you won a car. Both description are useful in that they help differentiate. In the case of all vehicles, it is useful to distinguish cars from trucks or motorcycles. Whereas in the case of chemical testing, it is useful to distinguish gas…
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A large problem in Gas Chromatography: No uniform standard for GC run position or composition
I try to learn everything that I can about analytical testing. Not being a scientist and only being a lawyer, I am an outsider to this fascinating world. I find that as I learn more, more questions present themselves. As an outsider last year l learned something that really kind of surprised me. When Gas…
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Metrology in DUI prosecution
Metrology is the body of science surrounding measurement or how we know for certain or for as near as certain as scientifically possible that some measurement is in fact that quantitative measure. It is the very essence of measurement. Because if we do not know that some measurement is accurate, precise and true, then we…
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Why forensic science testing for DUI BAC determination is the silly sister of analytical science: Good Laboratory Practices
I have written before, perhaps rhetorically: Why if someone is allowed full due process of law are we also not entitled to due process of science? It seems backward. Law at the expense of science or science at the expense of law, doesn’t it? One would think rationally that we would be entitled to full…
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Why it is right to be a modern day skeptic: The need to continue to challenge sacred cows: Paradigm Shift
(Pictured above: A sacred cow) A sacred cow is defined as "an object or practice which is considered immune from criticism, especially unreasonably so." They exist all around us. Some healthy. Most are not. It is vitally important for the evolution of man and science to identify, examine and challenge sacred cows. In short to…
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