PA DUI Attorney Hosts Webinar on Analytical Chemistry Understanding analytical chemistry is a big part of challenging DUI blood tests. That is why I have invested time and effort into becoming an expert in DUI Science. I also believe in helping other lawyers to become better at DUI defense and that is why I recently…
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Dear PA DUI Attorney: Can You Land a DUI for Synthetic Marijuana?
Every Friday we take a look at some of the most commonly asked questions about Pennsylvania DUI so we can clear up any misconceptions and provide you with the most up-to-date and accurate information about PA DUI laws and related topics. Today: Dear Justin, Someone was talking about K2 and Spice, a “synthetic marijuana”, and said…
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Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer to Present at the 2011 ACS Expo Anyone following this blog will easily realize that I put a huge emphasis on Advanced DUI Training. The lawyers at The McShane Firm are all well known around Pennsylvania and nationally for being the best trained and most prepared DUI lawyers you can find. My…
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Driving under the influence of Prescription Drugs
Modern pharmacology has produced a number of drugs that cause physiological symptoms similar to ones shown by someone who is drunk. These drugs may or may not affect someone’s ability to drive safely. Hence this is a growing problem and one that DUI lawyers in Pennsylvania and beyond need to monitor. Here is a recent…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 9 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture “Defending DUI Drug Cases” in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 9: “Conclusion,” expert DUI Attorney McShane urges his audience to use truth and science in DUI defense instead of “smoke and mirrors.” The McShane Firm is the premier DUI/DWI law firm in Harrisburg,…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 8 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture “Defending DUI Drug Cases” in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 8: “Dealing with DRE Officers,” DUI Attorney McShane explains various tactics for dealing with so-called Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) officers in DUI-D cases. The McShane Firm is the premier DUI/DWI law firm in…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 7 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture “Defending DUI Drug Cases” in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 7: “Educating The Jury,” expert DUI Attorney McShane explains how to beat a state drug expert by demonstrating to jurors the difference between a valid and conclusve result and a real-world false conclusion…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 6 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture "Defending DUI Drug Cases" in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 6: "Solid Dose Drug Testing," expert DUI Attorney McShane focuses on solid does drug testing, and explains why gas chromatography is the most accurate drug identification system, but oly if preformed properly. The…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 5 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture “Defending DUI Drug Cases” in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 5: “Drug Testing Overview,” expert DUI Attorney McShane presents an overview the different types of DUI-D testing systems and the shortcomings of each. The McShane Firm is the premier DUI/DWI law firm in…
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Defending DUI Drug Cases: Part 4 from PA DUI attorney Justin J. McShane
Pennsylvania DUI attorney Justin J. McShane, Esq. presents his lecture "Defending DUI Drug Cases" in Hartford, CT in December 2009. In Part 4: "Dosage and Drug Response," expert DUI Attorney McShane explains the important roles of both the drug response curve and chronic dose sample error in successfully defending DUI-D cases. The McShane Firm is…
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